New updates are being added at the bottom of this story…….

Original story (published on March 26, 2020) follows:

Unless you are a Mi A3 owner who has been living under the rock, you definitely are aware of the story behind the recently-released Android 10 update for this handset.

Unlike other vendors that prioritize their newest handsets when it comes to major OS upgrades, the Mi A3 Android 10 update came after the older Mi A2 picked up the same OS. But like its sibling, the road to Android 10 has been quite bumpy for Mi A3 owners.

In addition to playing second fiddle to the Mi A2, owners of the Mi A3 have had to endure a difficult three or so weeks since the device first received the OS. For the uninitiated, the Mi A3 Android 10 update first arrived late last month, but it was discontinued shortly after.


Following two weeks of bug-fixing, the patched-up version was released a week or so ago bundled with a newer March 2020 security patch. For the most part, it seemed this version is quite stable, but of course, no software is perfect.

Just today, Mi A3 owners on Android 10 started receiving alerts for a new software update to download. Upon checking the notification, it appears Xiaomi is sending them a new update that weighs 1.31GB and only talks about the March security patch.

What’s even more baffling is that when they try to download and install the update, they are faced with installation errors that make it impossible to bump the devices to the new firmware. But wait, is it really new software?

Mi A3 update error

Going by the latest developments, it’s likely that the 1.3GB OTA package that is being pushed to Mi A3 owners has nothing to do with Android 10 and everything to do with the older Android Pie.

As of this writing, Xiaomi is seeding new Pie-based builds for the Global and European variants of the Mi A3. The former is arriving as version while the latter is getting the same package as version

(Source 1, 2)

Apparently, this OTA package will be availed to Mi A3 owners in batches. Xiaomi doesn’t say much more about the update, although it’s likely that this is just the company providing unhappy Mi A3 owners with a way out of the mystery brought by the new OS.

It’s worth noting that the company had warned not just Mi A3 owners, but also those using the Mi A2 against downgrading to Pie. If anything, this should be a safe way of downgrading for those willing to take their chances.

Update 1 (March 27, 2020)

With the release of Pie-based March security patches for the global and EU Mi A3 units, it suggests that Xiaomi has halted the OTA rollout of Android 10 to this device. See the full story here.

Update 2 (April 7, 2020)

The Android 10 update for the Mi A3 been re released with the April security patch. Head here for the complete coverage.

Update 3 (April 13)

Disappointed with the buggy Android 10 push and pull game, Mi A3 owners are asking for refunds. Head here for the complete coverage.

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Mi A3

Hillary Keverenge
2337 Posts

Tech has been my playground for over a decade. While the Android journey began early, it truly took flight with the revolutionary Lollipop update. Since then, it's been a parade of Android devices (with a sprinkle of iOS), culminating in a mostly happy marriage with Google's smart home ecosystem. Expect insightful articles and explorations of the ever-evolving world of Android and Google products coupled with occasional rants on the Nest smart home ecosystem.

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