Xiaomi released the stable Mi A2 Android 10 update about two weeks ago. A few days after going live, the update appeared to have been cancelled for reasons Xiaomi didn’t care to explain.
The only reasonable explanation to this is that bugs were discovered in the initial Android 10 build and hence halting the rollout in order to address the bugs. Once addressed, the rollout should resume.
Well, this is what’s happening, with fresh reports coming in confirming that indeed, the Mi A2 Android 10 update has now been re-released to those who didn’t pick up the initial OTA.

If you are receiving the Android 10 update for the first time on your Mi A2, it weighs in at 1280.9MB, so be sure to get a stable Wi-Fi network to download the files.
The first Mi A2 Android 10 update arrived with December patch but in the new arrival, Xiaomi has bundled the latest January 2020 security patch.
Presumably, the company has also addressed the issues that forced the cancellation of the initial rollout. The updated firmware has software version V11.0.5.0.QDIMIXM.

In the event that you had already received the Mi A2 Android 10 update before Xiaomi decided to cancel the initial rollout, the new build V11.0.5.0.QDIMIXM is arriving as a small OTA update weighing in at just 162.8MB.

Although the update is expected to address the many issues that have been affecting the Mi A2 since upgrading to Android 10, those who have received the January security patch say nothing has been fixed.
Today I got January update but bug still not fixed.
Adaptive brightness bug is still there.
Suggestion in setting bug is still there.
Notification bar padding is too small.Anyone find any good change in this update? Me? Not.
Nothing Fixed , Not even a single goddamn fuc*ing bug. It’s just January Patch, Screw Xiaomi.
-Quick Setting toggles still misplaced
-Battery life still sucks
-( Sigh ) Adaptive Brightness bug still here ( I’ve gotten used to it anyway )
-Device Personalization Services still not installed as a system app therefore is unable to do it’s job
-The annoying suggestion banner in settings is still there and is impossible to be dismissed
-When using gesture navigation the Google search bar in home screen becomes dislocated if you use the home gesture
-If you’ve changed your device accent color or if you’ve turned on override force dark they will reset after a restart
-To be fair device performance is a little bit smoother
The new Mi A2 January 2020 security patch is available over the air, but we also have the download link with us for manual installation. Note that this is for those coming from the first Android 10 build with December patch.
- Device: Xiaomi Mi A2
- Codename: jasmine
- Channel: Global Stable
- Version:
- Android: 10
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