For latest news related to ShowBox and MovieBox apps, head here.

After a brief period of uncertainty when it was down, extremely popular app Showbox made a return early this month. So it’s been nearly a couple of weeks since the controversial app is working again, and now the team behind the app has revealed the most watched show by users in this time period.

The revelation was made in tweet. Here’s what the team said:

Since the comeback of #Showbox the most watched show is #TheFlash

As for the question the team asked in the tweet, here are the responses so far:

We also came across multiple users asking when the new bohemian rhapsody film will be available on ShowBox:

Team Showbox’s indulgence in regular, app-related interaction with users indicates the issues with their services – especially the legal ones, that caused the service to go down for nearly a week – have been fixed (temporarily, if not permanently).

For those who aren’t aware, it was November-end when it came to light that after Moviebox (a free media streaming app for iOS devices), Showbox – which is for Android – has also stopped working. While at first it seemed like a small glitch, but then days passed by and situation remained unchanged.

After a Moviebox user claimed they received a response from developers that the app is being shut down, it was widely believed that Showbox developers have also pulled the plug on the app.

However, the app started working – with intermittent issues though – December 3 onward. One day prior to that, Showbox developers took to Twitter to explain what happened. They said due to legal issues their services have were declined.

Just in case you want to dive in deep, we covered in detail about the lawsuits that Showbox developers have been dealing with.

While the ShowBox situation seems to be back to normal now, we recently highlighted some major confusions and rumors that are still surrounding the app. For example, despite developers coming out publicly to announce that Showbox is back, a lot of users still aren’t aware of this development.

In addition, given the media coverage (2) on how using Showbox can land you (yes you, the end user) in legal trouble, it’s reasonable to assume a significant number of existing users would now be worried about their safety.

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Himanshu Arora
359 Posts

My interest in technology and writing started back in 2010. Since then, I have written for many leading publications, including Computerworld, GSMArena, TechSpot, HowtoForge, LinuxJournal, and MakeTechEasier to name a few. Here at PiunikaWeb, I started with covering smartphone related breaking stories as well as some other interesting stuff, but now I have switched over to more of a leadership role. I also take care of several operational aspects of the website. Some of my current responsibilities include business development, and working with Piunika to make sure we’re progressing as envisioned. If you want to get in touch, I am active on LinkedIN, and also available on Twitter/X.

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