Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 is one of the highly acclaimed first-person shooter video games produced by Activision. Set in a modern-day warzone, it places players under elite troops as they navigate an action-packed campaign.
However, this doesn’t mean that the game is absolutely perfect as we see various bugs and issues creep up every now and then. For instance, we recently saw how some players were unable to claim Chimera’s ‘Nullify’ blueprint.
We also came across a bug where ‘players didn’t receive intended rewards with Season 02 – 03 transition’.
Modern Warfare 2 Pro-Tuned Blueprints causing players to spawn with no weapon
Several COD: Modern Warfare 2 players (1,2,3,4,5,6) are now experiencing an issue where the Pro-Tuned Blueprints lead them to spawn with no weapon.

Fix the bug were u spawn with no weapon in your hands
When are you going to fix the blueprint after it is modified and fine-tuned?
Reports indicate that some firearms appear to have attachment categories that, if equipped and Pro-Tuned, render the guns unusable. That’s also why weapons fail to load in some of the load-outs.
It’s worth noting that not every weapon is impacted, but there are still a considerable number of them. This is making the game quite buggy and accounts for an incredibly annoying experience.
Some of the affected users have tried disabling weapon tuning from their weapons and resetting them but to no avail.
Issue acknowledged
Fortunately, Infinity Ward is aware of the issue where COD: Modern Warfare 2 Pro-Tuned Blueprints are causing the players to spawn with no weapon.
🚩 We’re aware of an issue with a number of Pro-Tuned Blueprints where attempting to custom tune certain attachments can cause Players to spawn with no weapon.
We have also come across workarounds that can help fix this issue temporarily. You can check it out below:

Another workaround includes using the default version of the weapon and tweaking it instead of a blueprint weapon.
I found that using a the DEFAULT version of the weapon and tuning that instead of a BLUEPRINT weapon stopped this from happening 100% of the time.
We hope that the team comes up with a permanent fix as soon as possible. Meanwhile, affected players can try the workarounds mentioned above.
We’ll keep tabs on the latest developments and update this article as and when something noteworthy comes up.
NOTE: You can also check out the COD saga tracker for updates on other bugs and issues.
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