New updates are being added at the bottom of this story…
Original story (published on November 19, 2021) follows:
Microsoft Flight Simulator is undoubtedly one of the largest and most beautiful video games of all time. Published by Microsoft, Dovetail Games, and Xbox Game Studios, it was released in August of 2020.
Despite the stunning visuals mapping the entirety of planet Earth, the game has had a number of issues such as the recent update causing the game to crash for many.
Thrustmaster HOTAS sensitivity save issue
Having said that, players are now reporting a bunch of new issues with the game. Flight Simulator players say that they are unable to save HOTAS sensitivity.
This is really frustrating since those affected have to adjust the sensitivity every time they boot up the game. A few months ago, the Thrustmaster T.Flight HOTAS One users on Xbox said they were having mapping issues.

@MSFS_Support Please tell me that you are aware that the only supported HOTAS and rudders cannot keep their sensitivity settings on Xbox!! Please… @AsoboStudio Help me to keep on believing! #disappointed #noloveforxbox
Being as this is pretty much the only available option for Xbox, why are they still neglecting to fix this?? Anyone find any workaround aside of adjusting it every time I open the game?
Thankfully, MSFS Support has acknowledged the Flight Simulator HOTAS sensitivity issue and said it is under investigation. However, they did not share any ETA on when it will be fixed.
Thank you for reaching out about this. Yes, we are aware of this issue and the team has been looking into it.
Mouse users unable to rotate world map
Some Flight Simulator players who use a mouse to play are experiencing an issue where they are unable to rotate the world map, while some report that the game is freezing for them.

@MSFS officialare you guys fixing the mouse issues on Xbox anytime soon because the game is unplayable for me right now. Mouse keeps freezing within seconds of loading a flight.
Microsoft has again acknowledged the issue and has come up with a workaround so players can continue playing in the meantime.
We are aware of an issue where mouse users can not rotate the world map. As a workaround, you can fix this by going to Control Options, and resetting your Mouse Profile to “Default”.
Track IR not working
Last but not the least, Flight Simulator players are reporting that Track IR is not working at all. Many say that Track IR is resetting itself. Players say even though the game shows its working with two greens, there is no movement in-game.

Track IR will stop working. So far it happens to me if I look to the extreme edge / boundary of the viewing movement especially straight down. When it stops, it centers the view to straight ahead and it no longer allows head movement to change view. EDIT: It will also stop working if I hit “pause movement” that I have set up in my TIR profile. Ending the flight and going back to the main menu will reset TIR most of the time. Hopefully a hotfix will address this bug.
Turns out, it is already on the list of known issues. It looks like the issue was acknowledged after the last update was released. Moreover, the suggested workaround of pressing F12 do not seem to be working either.

If and when Microsoft fixes the aforementioned issues with Flight Simulator, we will update this article so stay tuned.
Update 1 (November 26)
IST 1:21 pm: A ‘Trusted Forum 3rd Party Developer’ on the Microsoft community has since come out to share a workaround for users facing issues with the Track IR feature.
My trick : Developer mode → Windows → Aircraft selector → Load. That’s reload my aircraft and re-enable TrackIR.
Update 2 (December 06)
IST 5:53 pm: The latest optional development build that was announced on December 2 apparently fixes the issues with Track IR and VR controls. A few users (1, 2) confirmed the same as well.
Here’s a snippet from the announcement:
This optional build includes fixes for several issues, including Track IR and VR controls. A full list of release notes will be found in the public, pre-release testing section of the forums soon. There is no set release date for this specific build as we will evaluate your feedback to determine if/when we can publish it to everyone, but we will provide updates to you as often as we can to keep you informed on the process. (Source)
Note: We have more such stories in our dedicated Gaming Section so be sure to follow them as well.
Featured image source: Flight Simulator
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