Google’s official phone calling app, or just Phone in short, is one of the advanced dialer apps when it comes to the list of smart features.
The app offers built-in spam protection, caller ID, call screening, automated emergency support, and more.

However, these features aren’t used by all, and users in many regions simply rely on third-party apps like Truecaller to avail most of the above-mentioned functions.
What the Google Phone app does not offer though, at least not for most, is call recording functionality and this apparently is a deal-breaker for many.
This is in conjunction with the fact that the Google Phone isn’t exactly pretty to look at. While fans of minimalism will applaud Google for its design choices, it is clear that the company has gone a tad too minimal with this one.
Also, the Google Phone app simply doesn’t go well with other system apps on most Android skins.
All this has given plenty of reasons for many users to abhor Google Phone. And as more and more OEMs hop onto the Google Phone and Messages apps bandwagon after ditching their stock counterparts, it’s clear that users’ frustration is growing.
OnePlus had recently done away with their OxygenOS telephony apps in favor of Google’s causing a slew of users to demand their return. Following this, the company eventually gave in and is now reportedly working on a comeback for their OxygenOS apps.

Xiaomi had also made a similar move a while back by ditching the MIUI dialer and Messaging apps and have continued to draw plenty of flak ever since.
However, unlike OnePlus, the company clarified that they will not be reverting to the MIUI apps any time soon.
Xiaomi tried to make up for their shortcomings by bringing the call recording feature to the Google Phone app on some of their devices.
However, according to a recent poll on the MIUI forums, it’s pretty clear that users are having none of that.

As apparent from the above, almost every user is vouching for the return of the MIUI Dialer app with barely 10 percent of users disagreeing with this.
Now, Xiaomi has had a pretty clean track record when it comes to taking user feedback and they have demonstrated this on several occasions in the past. Hence, there would be no harm in complying with these user requests as well.
With that being said, be sure to go through our Xiaomi Android 11 tracker if you are interested in the eligibility and status of the update for your device.
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