Xiaomi is currently testing MIUI 12.5 beta on several eligible devices back in China, among them the Redmi Note 7, Redmi Note 7 Pro and the Mi CC9e.

The new software was unveiled towards the end of last month and so far we know quite a lot regarding what to expect in terms of features and improvements.

Xiaomi has also shared details of when to expect the stable rollout to begin, which is scheduled for April 2021.

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As it stands, this is with respect to the Chinese market, implying the global market may have to wait even longer for the stable rollout of MIUI 12.5 update.

And according to the latest reports, it appears as though the Redmi Note 7, Redmi Note 7 Pro and Mi CC9e will no longer be participating in MIUI 12.5 beta program by the time the stable version arrives.

Starting from April 24, 2021, Redmi Note7, Redmi Note7 Pro, Mi CC9e will stop the development version internal beta test, thank you for your understanding


This news comes at a time when Redmi Note 7 and Note 7 Pro users were hoping to join the likes of Redmi Note 8 and Note 8 Pro in receiving a second Android OS update to Android 11.

But from the latest developments, it seems there is no chance of this happening. Instead, device owners will have to make do with MIUI 12.5 update, which is still a decent offering.

To get to know some of the features to expect when the stable MIUI 12.5 update rolls out, route here.


The Redmi Note 7, Note 7 Pro and Mi CC9e now join the likes of Mi 8, Mi MIX 2S, and Mi MIX 3 in being dropped from MIUI beta program. However, this doesn’t mean they will immediately stop receiving new updates.

The end of the program will bring to an end three years of software support for the devices in question following their launch in 2018. Also, this will likely mean no room for MIUI 13 update when it arrives.

Of course, Xiaomi has not revealed any official details regarding MIUI 13 eligibility, so things may change at some point. If they do, we will be here to let you know about it, so stay tuned to PiunikaWeb.

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Hillary Keverenge
2334 Posts

Tech has been my playground for over a decade. While the Android journey began early, it truly took flight with the revolutionary Lollipop update. Since then, it's been a parade of Android devices (with a sprinkle of iOS), culminating in a mostly happy marriage with Google's smart home ecosystem. Expect insightful articles and explorations of the ever-evolving world of Android and Google products coupled with occasional rants on the Nest smart home ecosystem.

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