New updates are being added at the bottom of this story…….

Original story (published on January 15, 2021) follows:

The Sony Xperia 5 and Xperia 1 were both released back in 2019 and came with Android 9 Pie pre-installed.

Last year, the duo picked up the update to Android 10 in March which brought along several new features to the devices.


Since the company rolls out 2 major OS updates for its high-end phones, the Sony Xperia 5 and Xperia 1 have been in line to receive the update to Android 11.

Last December, Sony shared its Android 11 rollout plans with the public in which the two aforementioned devices were scheduled to get Android 11 in February 2021.

Of course, being the latest flagships, the Xperia 1 II and Xperia 5 II were to get the update a month earlier. However, that appears to have been the case for the Xperia 1 II only. More on this later.


Now, it seems the company has started rolling out the Android 11 update for the Sony Xperia 5 and Xperia 1 ahead of its schedule.

Xpericheck has recorded the Android 11 update rolling out for the Xperia 5 in South East Asia, Ireland, and Russia whereas it lists the update rolling out in Russia, Ukraine, and South East Asia for the Xperia 1.

The update is live carrying the software version 55.2.A.0.630 for both devices. A user has also confirmed receiving the new update by sharing a screenshot on Reddit.


If you own a Sony Xperia 5 or Xperia 1 and haven’t received the update yet, don’t fret. Major Android OS updates usually go live in regions gradually over a period of a few weeks.

That said, as we mentioned earlier, Sony only released Android 11 for the Xperia 1 II earlier.

While the company didn’t divulge any details as to why the Xperia 5 II didn’t get the update with the Xperia 1 II, it was reportedly delayed due to some bugs that users noticed after installing Android 11 on the Xperia 1 II.

Unfortunately, it’s too early to tell whether the bugs have been fixed with the Android 11 build that is rolling out for the Xperia 1 and Xperia 5.

As usual, we’ll keep track of the situation and post an update once new details emerge. In the meantime, stay tuned to our dedicated tracker to know when the update goes live in other regions.

Update 1 (Febraury 02)

12:25 pm (IST): Sony has started seeding the Android 11 update for the Xperia 1 and Xperia 5 in the United Kingdom. The update has been captured on the XperiCheck database as version 55.2.A.0.630 for both models.

07:43 pm (IST): A Sony Xperia 1 user from Sweden has also confirmed receiving the update to Android 11 on their device.


Update 2 (Febraury 12)

10:02 am (IST): Sony has started rolling out the Android 11 update for the Sony Xperia 5 in Portugal. A user has confirmed receiving the update through a post on Reddit.

Update 3 (Febraury 24)

09:50 am (IST): It appears that Sony is rolling out the Android 11 update for the Xperia 1 users in the U.S. The update bears the software version 55.2.A.2.66 and weighs 918.1 MB. A user confirmed receiving the update via a post on Reddit.


Update 4 (March 03)

IST 10:13 pm: Sony has released the Android 11 update for the Xperia 10 II in Hungary according to a user report on Reddit. The software version is 55.2.A.2.66.


Update 5 (April 22)

IST: 05:52 pm: It appears that Sony has started rolling out the update to Android 11 for the Xperia 1 in Japan. The update is rolling out as version 55.2.C.0.330 and weighs 1015.9 MB.


IST: 06:17 pm: The update is also making its way over to Xperia 5 models in Japan according to a user on Twitter.


Update 6 (April 23)

IST: 06:26 pm: Japanese carrier — au — has also confirmed that it will be rolling out the Android 11 update for the Xperia 1 (SOV40). The OTA package will weigh around 1 GB.

Update 7 (May 03)

IST: 07:43 pm: According to a recent report from Twitter, it seems that Japanese carrier, au, has started rolling out the Android 11 update to its Xperia 5 units.

Update 8 (May 06)

IST: 06:23 pm: It seems that Sony has released the Android 11 update for the Xpeira 1 Dual and Xperia 5 Dual in Hong Kong as recorded on the CheckFirm database.

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Dwayne Cubbins
1288 Posts

My fascination with Android phones began the moment I got my hands on one. Since then, I've been on a journey to decode the ever-evolving tech landscape, fueled by a passion for both the "how" and the "why." Since 2018, I've been crafting content that empowers users and demystifies the tech world. From in-depth how-to guides that unlock your phone's potential to breaking news based on original research, I strive to make tech accessible and engaging.

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