New updates to this story are being added at the bottom…
Original story (from December 17, 2020) follows:
OnePlus maintains two different, yet very similar custom Android skins; HydrogenOS and OxygenOS. HydrogenOS is meant for, customized, and optimized for its home market of China while everyone else in the world gets OxygenOS.
Oftentimes, the development of new features, updates, and even bug fixes starts with HydrogenOS before then getting ported over to OxygenOS-running devices.

See, Android 11 has been out for a few months now and already, we’ve seen OnePlus roll out stable OxygenOS 11 to the OnePlus 8 series of devices.
Other eligible devices such as last year’s OnePlus 7 and OnePlus 7T series of devices haven’t seen much activity in line with OxygenOS 11, latest one being this report of a delayed Open Beta program.
Due to the lack of any meaningful information from OnePlus on OxygenOS 11 for these units, we might want to turn to the HydrogenOS 11 development for answers.

Well, as it turns out, OnePlus has halted the development of HydrogenOS 11 for the OnePlus 7 and OnePlus 7T devices. This, the company says, is due to an issue with the device’s data decryption.
Because the OnePlus 7 & 7T series encountered the problem of data decryption failure after the upgrade during the process of upgrading Android 11. This problem prevented us from reaching the original plan for the 7 series to adapt to Android 11.
We are working with Qualcomm’s technical team to strive for a solution as soon as possible. After negotiation, Qualcomm is expected to provide a solution within this week. If it goes well, we will start the closed beta this month and open the public beta as soon as possible in the future.
This halting of development for HydrogenOS 11 (Android 11) for the OnePlus 7 and OnePlus 7T devices means that the delay will also be experienced by the development of OxygenOS 11 for these devices.
From the statement above, if all goes well, OnePlus plans to start the closed beta program this month for HydrogenOS 11 on OnePlus 7 and 7T devices. It is still unclear when the OxygenOS equivalent of the same will commence.
We shall continue to keep an eye on this story and update as and when we get more info so stay tuned. In the meantime, you might want to check out our OnePlus Android 11 tracker.
For a glimpse at what other OEMs are doing with regards to their respective Android 11 custom skins, check out our dedicated Android 11 tracker that looks at all the major Android OEMs and their strides to stable Android 11 builds.
Update 1 (December 26)
IST 10:50 am: The decryption failure issue has now been fixed and OnePlus has released the HydrogenOS 11 (Android 11) internal beta update for the OnePlus 7 and OnePlus 7T series in China. Find out more about the Android 11 update for the devices in question by heading here.
Update 2 (January 17)
01:32 pm (IST): OnePlus has released the HydrogenOS 11 Public beta update for the OnePlus 7 devices in China.
NOTE: We have these and many more OnePlus stories in our dedicated OnePlus section.
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