This story is being continuously updated…. New updates are being added at the bottom…..

Original story (published on March 16) follows:

A new update is rolling out to the Samsung Galaxy M30s in India and it brings the latest One UI 2.0 skin based on Android 10 OS to the handset.

The update comes a few hours after reports of the Galaxy A40 and Galaxy A50 Android 10 update also started doing rounds in India, suggesting that Samsung could be on yet another spree of rolling out One UI 2.0 updates to its budget devices.

The Galaxy M30s Android 10 update is arriving over the air, just like others that have received the new OS. Below is a user-shared screenshot of the update on their M30s unit with model number SM-M307F. The other variant has model number SM-M307FN.


Coming in with software version M307FXXU2BTC6 and weighing in at a little over 1.4GB, the firmware stays on the same March 2020 security patch that rolled out several days ago.

Samsung hasn’t updated the official software update tracker with details of the latest Galaxy M30s Android 10 update, but it should do so pretty soon now that we have evidence of the actual rollout of the software.

The update to Android 10 is rolling out over the air, meaning some owners of the Galaxy M30s will receive the download notification ahead of others. This shouldn’t freak you out because the update will land on your device sooner or later. Check out the changelog below:


What’s new
– One UI 2 Core 2 upgrade brings you Android 10 with exciting new features from Samsung and Google based on feedback from users like you.
Dark Mode
– Enhanced image, text, and color adjustments for day and night environments.
– Darkened wallpapers, widgets, and alarms while Dark mode is on.

Icons and colors
– Clearer app icons and system colors
– Improved layouts for titles and buttons to eliminate wasted screen space

Smoother animations
– Enhanced animations with a playful touch.

Full-screen gestures
– Added new navigation gestures.

Refined interactions
– Navigate more comfortably on large screens with minimal finger movement.
– Easily focus on what matters with clearly highlighted buttons.

One-handed mode
– New ways to access One-handed mode: double-tap the Home button or swipe down in the center of the bottom of the screen.
– Settings moved to Settings > Advanced features > One-handed mode.

– High contrast keyboards and layouts for large text have been improved
– Listen to live speech and display it as text.

Better text over wallpapers
– See text more clearly against wallpaper, as One UI automatically adjusts font colors based on light and dark areas and color contrast in the image below.

Media and devices
– Replaced the SmartThings panel with Media and Devices.
– Media: Control music and videos playing on your phone as well as other devices.
– Devices: Check and control your SmartThings devices directly from the quick panel.

– Added options for showing the fingerprint icon when the screen is off. You can choose to show it always, never, or only when Always On Display is shown.

Device care
– The battery usage graph now provides more detailed information.

Digital wellbeing
– Set goals to keep your phone usage in check.
– Use Focus mode to help avoid distractions from your phone.
– Keep an eye on your kids’ activity with new parental controls.

– Added the ability to edit the modes that appear at the bottom of the screen.
– Provided a More tab so you can quickly access hidden modes from the preview screen.
– Improved the layout so you can focus on taking pictures without the settings getting in the way.

– Customize the quick menu to get instant access to the features you use the most.
– Get more information from the app bar.
– Install add-ons from the Galaxy Store to get even more features.

Samsung Contacts
– Added Trash feature for Contacts. Contacts that you delete will stay in the trash for 15 days before being deleted forever.

– Stickers can be added to a date without creating an event.
– Ringtones can be used for event alerts.

– More options are available for repeating reminders.
– Set location-based reminders for a specific period of time.
– Share reminders with your family group and other sharing groups.
– Set reminders for a specific date without an alert.

My Files
– Created a Trash feature so you can restore files if you delete something by mistake.
– Added more filters you can use while searching to help you find things quickly.
– You can now copy or move multiple files and folders to different destinations at the same time.

– Added speed and time units to the unit converter.

Connected car
– Android Auto is now preloaded.

– Added tips to help you get the most from your Galaxy.

Also, the fact that the device is sold in multiple regions means some markets will get their hands on the new OS ahead of others. It’s already happening, where currently only India has it. We will update this story when more regions begin receiving the software.

The M30s is the latest in the Galaxy M series to be updated to One UI 2.0 following similar updates to the Galaxy M20, Galaxy M30, and Galaxy M40.

Update 1 (May 13, 2020)

The Android 10 update is live for devices in China.

Update 2 (June 5, 2020)

The update to Android 10 for the Galaxy M30s is now live in Indonesia.

M30S Android10_Indonesia

Update 3 (June 11, 2020)

The update is also live for devices in Germany.

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Hillary Keverenge
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Tech has been my playground for over a decade. While the Android journey began early, it truly took flight with the revolutionary Lollipop update. Since then, it's been a parade of Android devices (with a sprinkle of iOS), culminating in a mostly happy marriage with Google's smart home ecosystem. Expect insightful articles and explorations of the ever-evolving world of Android and Google products coupled with occasional rants on the Nest smart home ecosystem.

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