This story is being continuously updated…. New updates are being added at the bottom…..
Original story (from May 28) follows:
Nine months down the line and many devices that were eligible for an update to Android 10 have already been updated to the said operating system.
However, some outliers are still running Android 9 Pie despite being eligible for an update to Android 10. One of these devices is Motorola’s 2019 Moto One Zoom.

Users of the Moto One Zoom have been awaiting an update to Android 10 for months now. The last time we heard word about this update was way back in February. At the time, Motorola Brazil said that the update to Android 10 for the moto One Zoom was ‘Coming Soon’.
Fast-foward to present day and it appears as though this was an overzealous promise by Motorola. New reports have it that this update is a little further away than we were made to believe.
According to Motorola Support, Android 10 for the Moto One Zoom is still ‘Pending partner approval’. The support handle also declined to give any timelines as to when exactly this update would be available.

To recall, Motorola recently issued a very similar response when asked about the status of Android 10 update for the Moto G8 Plus. More on that story here.
It remains unclear what Motorola means by ‘Pending partner approval’. We have since reached out to Motorola, seeking further clarification on the state of Android 10 for the two devices and we shall update with more info as we get it.
At the time of writing, Motorola had managed to roll out Android 10 to the following devices,
– Motorola RAZR
– Motorola G7 Power
– Motorola G7
– Motorola G7 Plus
– Motorola One
– Motorola One Vision
– Motorola One Action
– Motorola Z4
We shall continue monitoring this and updating this list as Motorola pushes the Android 10 to more and more of its devices.
Update 1 (June 10)
Going by the latest information coming from a forums moderator, the May security patch is the next planned update the OEM currently is working on for Moto one Zoom. So, Android 10 still looks far. Here’s what the mod said:
March is the latest for the Zoom. So if you are earlier than March, please let me know.
As I have posted elsewhere, the testing of the software is the final step. Delays are often due to the software failing to fulfill some necessary standard. Based on my inquiries, that’s what has happened here. We had hoped to have the May update out by now, but the software is held up. Apologies for the delay.
Thanks for sharing the information Rafał Mianowicz!
NOTE: We have these and many more Motorola stories in our dedicated Motorola section.
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