New updates are being added at the bottom of this story…….

Original story (published on January 21, 2021) follows:

The macOS Big Sur update went live early this month and brought along a revamped UI with a number of new features and improvements over macOS Catalina.

But there are still a few things that could be improved upon such as the missing option to change the login screen background.


Of course, this isn’t anything new. Apple does not allow users to change the login screen background via any official tools or settings.

However, prior to the macOS Big Sur update, it was relatively easy to set a custom background on the login screen and thus those who wished to change the background could do so within a couple of minutes.

Unfortunately, users who have installed the macOS Big Sur update are now left with only one login screen background with no easy way to change it.

While this might not bother some users, those who want the login screen to be personalized will definitely be disappointed with Apple’s decision to have a fixed background. We’ve added a few comments from frustrated users below:

I am trying to change the screen prior to login – the Big Sur screen when you boot up. That’s the screen that irritates me. (Source)

What was Apple thinking when they created that login screen; I have hardly ever seen anything like it. Please Apple, please. (Source)

@Apple: can you pls kindly help and create an update so as to assist ignorant people like myself to properly remove or replace that newly created and ‘somewhat-less-than-appealing’ ‘big sur’ login-screen? Thank you! (Source)

It’s unclear why Apple chooses to prevent users from changing the login screen background in a simple way such as what Microsoft offers on Windows 10.

Well, that’s a topic for another day. Fortunately, there is one workaround that you can try in order to get a change the login screen background on your Mac running macOS Big Sur.


Like we mentioned above, this isn’t as easy as some of the previous methods used to change the login screen wallpaper on older macOS versions such as Sierra, Yosemite, and El Capitan.

How to change the login screen wallpaper on macOS Big Sur

An individual has taken to Apple’s community page to share the steps to change the macOS Big Sur login screen wallpaper. We’ve shared the steps below:

NOTE: Before proceeding, make sure that FileVault and Guest users are deactivated. Yes, this means that you would lose encryption on your Mac.

1. System Preferences > Users & Groups.
2. Open lock to make changes.
3. Right click on user in left column > Advanced Options.
4. Copy UUID value.
5. Go to /Library/Caches/Desktop Pictures.

6. If it doesn’t exist create Desktop Pictures folder.
7. Inside Desktop Pictures create folder with UUID value as name.
8. Right-click on folder > Get Info.
9. Open lock to make changes.
10. Grant permission to Read & Write to user, admin, everyone.

11. Change desktop wallpaper.
12. Restart computer.

After performing all these steps in the order they are listed, once you restart your Mac, you will see the login screen background will be the same as the current desktop wallpaper.

Of course, a dedicated setting to change the login screen background would be a lot better. Matter of fact, this might be possible soon since the OnyX utility tool for Big Sur may release shortly.

This should give users the ability to change the login screen background in Big Sur with just a few clicks. Until then, this is workaround is the only way one can change the background.

Having said that, the fixed background on the login screen isn’t the only bump in the road for those on macOS Big Sur.

This is because the OS comes with several bugs and issues as well such as overheating and battery draining issues, printers not working, Google Drive backup and sync issues, and more.

Well, that’s all for now. Feel free to let us know whether you had any success changing your login screen wallpaper on macOS Big Sur using the workaround provided here.

Update 1 (March 12)

Here’s another user-shared workaround that may help:

When I changed the ‘Login Options’ to ‘Display login window as: List of users’ (instead of ‘Name and password’ as I had it), it gave me my chosen ‘Desktop Background’ on the login screen after a restart and/or new start.

NOTE: There are more such stories in our dedicated Apple section so be sure to go through it as well.

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Dwayne Cubbins
1303 Posts

My fascination with Android phones began the moment I got my hands on one. Since then, I've been on a journey to decode the ever-evolving tech landscape, fueled by a passion for both the "how" and the "why." Since 2018, I've been crafting content that empowers users and demystifies the tech world. From in-depth how-to guides that unlock your phone's potential to breaking news based on original research, I strive to make tech accessible and engaging.

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