The stable ZenFone 5Z Android 10 update rolled out in late November last year. Before the incoming update, the device had only picked up a single update back in mid-December, tagging along November security patches.

Today, the ZenFone 5Z Android 10 firmware is getting a bump to a newer build number, up from the previous As you can see from the change in version numbers, it’s a significant jump.


However, the story isn’t necessarily the same when it comes to the changes bundled in the update. As it stands, you only get fixes for issues where users are unable to use PS4 handle to play PS4 remote games, excessive battery draining, and the killing silence when playing music through Bluetooth.

1. Fixed the issue that user can’t use PS4 handle to play PS4 remote games
2. Fixed power consumption issue
3. Fixed silent issue when using Bluetooth to play music

This is an OTA update, meaning some ZenFone 5Z units will receive it ahead of others. But since we have the link to download the new firmware below, you can grab and install the update manually on your unit.

  • Device: Asus ZenFone 5Z
  • Codename: z01r
  • Channel: Global (WW/IN/RU) Stable
  • Version:
  • Android: 10
    • Type: Recovery
redmi 8
Redmi 8

Redmi 8 gets January update in India

In India, the Redmi 8 is now receiving its update to January 2020 security patches. The European variant is still stuck on December security patches (MIUI while the Indian variant now joins the global variant (MIUI on the newer January patches.

The OTA update, which weighs in at 256MB, is arriving as V11.0.7.0.PCNINXM and yeah, it is still based on Android Pie, although the Redmi 8 Android 10 update is something you should expect, including unofficially.

Redmi 8 January patch in India (Source)

Like the updated ZenFone 5Z Android 10 firmware, we also have the download link for the latest Redmi 8 update. This means you don’t have to wait for the OTA, instead, you can grab the firmware and install it manually right away.

  • Device: Redmi 8
  • Codename: olive
  • Channel: India Stable
  • Version: V11.0.7.0.PCNINXM
  • Android: 9
    • Type: Recovery
      • Download: Link
      • MD5: 3950d69d15e6fdcf44adc282f9fbc07d

So far, there are some signs that the Redmi 8 Android 10 update shouldn’t be too far away. Its cheaper counterpart, the Redmi 8A, recently stopped by Geekbench running Android 10. Find the full details here.

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Hillary Keverenge
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Tech has been my playground for over a decade. While the Android journey began early, it truly took flight with the revolutionary Lollipop update. Since then, it's been a parade of Android devices (with a sprinkle of iOS), culminating in a mostly happy marriage with Google's smart home ecosystem. Expect insightful articles and explorations of the ever-evolving world of Android and Google products coupled with occasional rants on the Nest smart home ecosystem.

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