The release of NBA 2K24 has sparked a wave of discontent among players due to its aggressive monetization policies, thus prompting a demand for refund.

The NBA 2K series is no stranger to monetization strategies. Over the years, players have reportedly witnessed the gradual creep of microtransactions and virtual currency (VC) into the game.


With each new release, these practices have become more pervasive, and most notably, expensive. The recent reports of high VC prices bear testimony to this fact.

NBA 2K24 players seek refund as part of boycott campaign

For many players, NBA 2K24 monetization strategies have gone too far. The game has numerous pay-to-win aspects in addition to the conventional VC system.

Sadly, this time, things have gone a bit awry for some players and pushed them to get a refund (1,2,3,4,5,6). Others have even initiated their request for the same and you can check out the reports below:

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Just got a refund for 2k24 🚮 2k shouldn’t be able to alter a build after you spent your hard earned $ on it.

I see a lot of people refunding 2k24. Is it really that bad? Is the game rlly that bad? Besides the micro transactions I think the game looks fun.

One of the players recounted their plight, mentioning that they purchased 2K24 along with a VC. Surprisingly, they discovered that the 2K24 on Steam is old-gen and not new-gen, thus making it impossible to play with friends.

Therefore, it has seemingly kick-started a boycott campaign. Accordingly, it advises prospective buyers to postpone their purchases until the monetization policies are reviewed.


It also proves that the constant pursuit of profit at the price of enjoyment has grown tiresome to gamers.

No official word in sight

Unfortunately, developers have not commented on the current situation at the moment. It remains to be seen whether they will heed players’ calls for change.

But we’ll surely keep tabs on the latest developments and update this article as and when something noteworthy comes up.

Note: You can read more related stories in our dedicated Gaming section, so make sure to check them out as well.

Featured and inline image source: 2k

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Riya Madaan
868 Posts

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