Google Pixel 6 Pro users are once again experiencing a frustrating déjà vu: the dreaded screen flickering issue, which was supposedly fixed back in December 2021, seems to have made an unwelcome comeback. While sporadic reports have trickled in over the years, a recent surge has left users scratching their heads and squinting at their screens.

The mystery of this resurgence remains unsolved, but a common thread among those affected is that the flickering often reared its ugly head following software updates. The initial reports of this eerie phenomenon surfaced in October 2021, with Google describing it as harmless display residual light only visible when the phone was powered off. A December 2021 update promised to banish the flicker for good, but alas, it seems some ghostly remnants have persisted ever since.


One hopeful Pixel 6 Pro user on the Google forum claims a software fix is in the pipeline, but no official confirmation has emerged to substantiate this glimmer of hope. Meanwhile, users are venting their frustrations online, sharing their experiences and pleas for help. One user vividly describes the problem: “My Pixel 6 Pro started giving me screen flickering issues, and the screen became dull, showing a green tint and lines. No physical damage was done to the phone. I just attended a phone call, and once I hung up, I noticed the screen was dull. I thought it was due to auto brightness, but when I checked properly, the screen started to flicker…” This user goes on to list the numerous troubleshooting steps they’ve tried to no avail.

Another user laments the persistent flickering despite trying various tips and even resetting their phone. Yet another recounts the sudden appearance of a green line and subsequent flickering, expressing their frustration with the lack of support from customer service. Even the Android 15 beta hasn’t escaped this curse, as one user reports persistent flickering even after multiple factory resets.

It seems the Pixel 6 Pro’s screen has developed a mind of its own, leaving users feeling like they’re trapped in a horror movie with a possessed television. Whether Google will swoop in with a software exorcism remains to be seen. In the meantime, users are grappling with this annoying glitch, hoping for a swift resolution to their flickering woes. You can also check out the video below for a potential workaround:

If you’re one of the unfortunate souls experiencing this issue, rest assured you’re not alone. Keep an eye out for updates from Google, and don’t hesitate to share your experience online to raise awareness. Hopefully, a solution will emerge soon, restoring peace and tranquility to the screens of Pixel 6 Pro users everywhere.

Hillary Keverenge
2172 Posts

Tech has been my playground for over a decade. While the Android journey began early, it truly took flight with the revolutionary Lollipop update. Since then, it's been a parade of Android devices (with a sprinkle of iOS), culminating in a mostly happy marriage with Google's smart home ecosystem. Expect insightful articles and explorations of the ever-evolving world of Android and Google products coupled with occasional rants on the Nest smart home ecosystem.

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