Update 7 (December 11, 2024)

01:55 pm (IST): You’re not alone. Janitor AI is currently down and throwing errors like ‘Error 1033’. According to a mod on the platform’s sub-reddit, the developers are aware of the problem and are working to resolve it.


Update 6 (October 16, 2023)

10:50 am (IST): Janitor AI appears to be down or not operating for certain users right now. Users are receiving the message ‘Error saving message(s): ‘delete’ on ‘IDBObjectStore’ failed to execute: The parameter is not a valid key range.

Janitor AI
Credits: PETER / X

06:55 am (IST): Lack of recent reports suggest that the outage has been fixed.

Update 5 (July 23, 2023)

09:15 am (IST): Janitor AI is once again down and not working for users according to reports (1,2,3) on Twitter.

12:20 pm (IST): The outage has been resolved.

Update 4 (July 21, 2023)

09:54 am (IST): Janitor AI platform is in the midst of a new outage, according to recent reports (1, 2, 3).

Update 3 (June 29, 2023)

10:35 am (IST): From time to time, Open AI bans user accounts that generate NSFW content on chatbot services (like Janitor AI) due to non-compliance with their policies.

This situation happened a few hours ago (1, 2, 3), and even Janitor AI website warns about it. The message also reveals that they are working on a fix, and that you can create a new Open AI account as a temporary workaround.


Update 2 (June 28, 2023)

09:01 am (IST): It seems that Janitor AI platform was in the middle of a new outage that lasted for a few hours. (1, 2, 3). However, the service should already be working correctly.

Update 1 (June 27, 2023)

12:30 pm (IST): The Janitor AI team just revealed that the reason for the outage is an attack on their servers. They are working on resolving it, but there is no ETA yet.

got some attacks rn, trying to go back online, this is for the long run, thank you everyone for the support also

1:00 pm (IST): Recent reports indicate that Janitor AI service is now available (1, 2, 3).

Original story (published on June 27, 2023) follows:

For some weeks now, Janitor AI has become one of the most popular options in the NSFW-friendly chatbot segment. Several users tired of the Character AI restrictions or filters have given it a try.

That said, it appears that Janitor AI website is currently down, not working or loading, preventing numerous users from accessing the service.

Janitor AI down, not working or loading

Multiple recent reports indicate that the Janitor AI platform is unavailable. The outage has already lasted at least 30 minutes at the time of writing this story.


is the site down for anyone else?

i’m unsure if they’re doing maintenance or something, but it’s been like this for the past hour 😞 nothing will load / whenever i refresh nothing happens.

is the site down?

cuz whenever i try to open chats it says that it can’t view it and that the bot has either been deleted or privated

According to a user, the server crash could have been caused by many people accessing at the same time through Pawan reverse proxy.

Nope I think it has something to do with the massive amounts of people that rushed in at the same time because the pawan reverse proxy finally started working after a day

For those who don’t know, a reverse proxy allows free use of conversational AI services that are paid. So, the availability of these proxies causes a potential massive and sudden arrival of users.

There is still no official word from the Janitor AI team on this situation. So, it is not yet known when the AI-chatbots will be available again.

We will be monitoring the situation to update this story as events unfold.

Featured image: Twitter

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Jean Leon
1613 Posts

A tech enthusiast since ever. I like to always be up to date on the latest news in the industry and write about it. Twitter: @jean_ERdC

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