This story is being continuously updated…. New updates are being added at the bottom…..
Original story (from Aug 22, 2019) follows:
Overwatch was released on May 26, 2016, and since then the game has been doing pretty well among the fans. Overwatch is a multiplayer first-person shooter game which has been developed and published by Blizzard Entertainment. The game features more than 30 playable characters.
The characters have been further categorized into the following roles: Tank, Damage and Support. Recently, Blizzard added a new character or hero to the Overwatch game. The new hero Sigma is an astrophysicist whose scientific experiment goes wrong, which makes him a living weapon.

The new hero has pretty interesting abilities, and players are trying to find the best of this new hero. We have mentioned all the abilities of this new hero Sigma in the article below. But before that, let us talk about a recent server or login issue which is affecting North American Overwatch players.

For the past three days, Overwatch players from the North American Region have been experiencing login,’ server lost’ and unable to connect issues. Blizzard CS – The Americas Twitter account also shared a tweet regarding the issue on August 19. Have a look at the official tweet below.

However, today Blizzard confirmed that the login issues have been resolved. If players are still facing connecting issues, they should troubleshoot the game. Have a look at the tweet in which Blizzard has confirmed that the issue has been resolved.

If you are on Xbox One or PS4 Console, you can follow the below-mentioned troubleshooting guide to resolve the connection issues. The troubleshooting steps below cover problems including can’t connect to Overwatch on the console, high latency, lag, getting dropped from Overwatch, and failed to connect to the game server.
- If you’re using a wireless connection, optimize your internet connection to rule out a connection issue.
- Check your network configuration to find any issues with your firewall, router, or port settings.
- Reset your network devices to make sure your router hasn’t become flooded with data.
- Run your console’s built-in connection test (PlayStation 4) (Xbox One).
- Select Show Network Stats from the Options > Video menu to view connection information. Diagnosing Overwatch Network Problems article defines each stat with possible troubleshooting steps.
- Use your console’s internet browser to run a Looking Glass test. This will help determine if the problem is between your console and our servers.

For a quick refresher, Sigma (Dr. Siebren de Kuiper’s) gets the power to control gravity when one of his scientific experiments goes wrong. Tank hero Sigma has some pretty interesting abilities including Hyperspheres, Kinetic Grasp, Accretion, Experimental Barrier. His ultimate ability is Gravitic Flux. You can learn more about Sigma by heading here.
Update 1 (April 09, 2020)
10:30 am (IST): Looks like Overwatch is down and not working as of writing this. Apart from user reports on Twitter, Down detector also conveys server connection issues.
Update 2 (May 30, 2022)
11:59 am (IST): Many users are now reporting that Overwatch is currently down or not working for them. Moreover, reports on Downdetector also confirm the same.
Update 3 (June 1, 2022)
06:32 pm (IST): It seems that the recent outage with Overwatch has been resolved as we haven’t come across any fresh user reports on Downdetector.
Update 4 (October 3, 2022)
10:06 am (IST): Many players have taken to Twitter to report that overwatch servers are currently down or not working for them.
However, Overwatch support has confirmed that the server has shut down permanently.
We’re celebrating our transition to the next chapter with #SeeYouOnTheOtherSide! Use the hashtag to share your favorite memories from Overwatch 1 and get hyped for what the future holds! 🎉 Gameplay highlights, your favorite cinematic, a funny story – we wanna see it all 👀 (Source)
Update 5 (October 5, 2022)
09:02 am (IST): Many Overwatch 2 players took to Twitter to report that the servers have been acting up. Some say that they can’t get into the game while others say they keep getting disconnected.
Well I’m disappointed, only played 2 games of overwatch and got disconnected after each one then wait an hour in the queue due to bad servers (Source)
I was hoping to come Home play for a bit after work and what i found was “40,000 queue” and “Server error, go back to fuck yourself with another 40,000 queue” (Source)
Several hours ago Blizzard customer support also confirmed that they are aware of the ‘Unexpected Server Error’ issue that players were reporting.
[#OW2] We’re aware that some players are encountering an Unexpected Server Error message when attempting to sign in. This is actively being worked on. Thank you for your patience! (Source)
10:17 am (IST): According to the president of Blizzard, the game servers are down due to a mass DDoS attack. However, the team is working hard to fix it.
Update 6 (October 6, 2022)
11:04 am (IST): Blizzard support has issued a statement informing players about the current situation with the game servers and ongoing issues.
Moreover, they are working to address the server issues due to which players are having login issues and other problems. You can checkout the full announcement here.
Update 7 (October 7, 2022)
10:08 am (IST): Many Overwatch 2 players have taken to Twitter to report that the game is currently down or not working for them and they are getting LC-208 error code.
Update 8 (October 11, 2022)
08:45 am (IST): Server issues continue to trouble users as once again players have taken to Twitter and Downdetector to report that they aren’t able to play the game.
I won my overwatch 2 comp match right as the servers went off 🎊💀 (Source)
Where’s my free skins for these shit ass servers #Overwatch2 @PlayOverwatch (Source)
Fortunately, this is planned maintenance as confirmed by the team via the official Twitter handle for the game.
🚨Update 🚨
We will be taking #Overwatch2 offline at 8PM PT for an estimated 1 hr. (Source)
Update 9 (October 12, 2022)
12:05 pm (IST): The recent emergency maintenance for Overwatch 2 has completed. Players can now log back into the servers and enjoy the game.
Emergency Maintenance has completed & #Overwatch2 servers are live. Thank you for your patience, everyone.
Update 10 (October 14, 2022)
12:15 pm (IST): Blizzard has confirmed that they are aware that players are experiencing issues while accessing certain game content and are working to resolve them.
[#Overwatch2] We are aware of an issue where players are experiencing difficulty accessing certain game content. We are currently investigating and working to resolve this as soon as possible.
They also said that the server lag and ping-related issues are part of the same bigger problem.
Update 11 (October 27, 2022)
12:07 pm (IST): Many players are again facing issues accessing Overwatch 2 as servers are currently down or not working for them.
Update 12 (April 22, 2023)
08:50 am (IST): Overwatch 2 servers are down and not working and many disgruntled players have taken to Twitter to confirm (1,2,3,4,5,6) the same.
09:35 am (IST): Blizzard support, via Twitter, has confirmed that they are investigating the issue.
[#Overwatch2] We’re currently investigating an issue affecting our authentication servers, which may result in failed or slow login attempts. (Source)
09:50 am (IST): Blizzard support has confirmed that the issue has been resolved.
[#Overwatch2] The login issues have been resolved. Thanks for your patience and sorry for any inconvenience. (Source)
Update 13 (June 29, 2023)
09:18 am (IST): Players report that the Overwatch 2 servers are currently unavailable (1, 2, 3, 4, 5).
04:43 pm (IST): Overwatch 2 is now accessible again as the latest outage was resolved.
Update 14 (July 13, 2023)
08:20 am (IST): Several Overwatch 2 players are currently getting an ‘Error starting game, try again’ message when trying to find matches (1, 2, 3, 4). The issue has been acknowledged.
05:35 pm (IST): Blizzard team states that the server issues have been resolved.
[#Overwatch2] We have resolved the server issues. Thank you for your patience while we resolved this.
Update 15 (July 28, 2023)
08:42 am (IST): Battlenet platform users are reporting a login issue that prevents them from accessing multiple games from the company, including Overwatch (1 and 2) or Diablo 4.
12:10 pm (IST): Overwatch games are now available again as the Battlenet platform was fixed.
Update 16 (September 1, 2023)
09:30 am (IST): Overwatch 2 is reportedly (1, 2, 3) down or not working for a section of gamers.
05:53 pm (IST): Server outage appears to have been fixed now.
Update 17 (September 19, 2023)
08:23 am (IST): Overwatch 2 players report ongoing server issues that prevent them from accessing matches, inviting friends and other actions (1, 2, 3).
11:10 am (IST): The recent reported Overwatch 2 server outage has finally been fixed.
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