Some Starfield players feel that the companions AI is dumb or disappointing. Moreover, companions are removing space suits where they shouldn’t.

This recently released action role-playing game is also plagued with several other issues such as fitness challenge not working, invisible head bug, and more.

Starfield companions AI disappointing or ‘dumb’

One of the primary concerns players have raised about Starfield’s companions is their erratic and inconvenient behavior. It becomes frustrating when companions act in ways that disrupts planned strategies.

One common complaint is that companions often behave recklessly in combat situations. Instead of providing cover, they tend to charge into battle.

Additionally, companions sometimes struggle with navigation, getting stuck between objects or constantly hovering in the way.

Here are some reports for reference (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6):


they are way more useless than in skyrim, even on very easy they barely do any dmg and only attack like every 5 seconds. Sometimes they just stand or walk against a wall. I hope this gets fixed. (Source)

at title, is there a button to tell companions to move to a point on screen. Keep getting stuck in corridors, was also trapped in a toilet cubicle by Vasco. That was a little scary. (Source)

Players have also reported that companions don’t always stay where they’re told to, which can lead to frustrating situations where they get into trouble.

Companions removing space suits where they shouldn’t

Another issue that is annoying players (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) is companions removing their space suits in situations where it’s clear they should be wearing them.

When players are boarding ships or exploring planets with hostile environments, companions inexplicably remove their space suits, exposing themselves to potentially lethal conditions.

Unfortunately, both these issues remain unacknowledged by Bethesda. But we will let you know of any latest developments by updating this article.

Note: We have more such stories in our dedicated gaming section, so be sure to follow them as well.

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Aashish Singh
502 Posts

I developed a keen interest in technology ever since my school days. And writing about it keeps me closer to this fascinating world. When I’m not working you can catch me playing video games.

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