New updates are being added at the bottom of this story…….
Original story (published on December 09, 2021) follows:
Recently, COD: Modern Warfare received the ‘Pacific’ update with some new features. However, it seems that this has brought issues to many players.
According to multiple reports, the COD: Modern Warfare Multiplayer is not working after Pacific update due to a missing data pack issue. Also, it seems that the performance of the game deteriorated considerably.
Modern Warfare performance issues after Pacific update
Many players report that, after the COD: Modern Warfare Pacific update, the game has become ‘unplayable’ due to the multiple issues present (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7).
In some cases, the game constantly freezes during matches due to a ‘Crossplay Enabled: Drop In, Rise Up!’ error message.
Firstly, per usual the update uninstalled a multiplayer pack (unfortunately this is normal). So I had to wait for that to reinstall.
I decide to drop in a game of gunfight. Every half a minute in a match I get hit with ‘Crossplay Enabled: Drop In, Rise Up!’ text on the screen that causes my gameplay to freeze.
I also noticed the loading screens are all Pacific themed in MW and my entire user face is half Vanguard themed now.
The same report adds that, in addition to freezing, the game crashes. It also seems that there are UI elements from COD: Vanguard and other glitches.
The entire things also running much slower, frequent freezing that requires restart and the game itself has crashed three times since the update. My game has never crashed before. When I am finally able to play it’s a choppy mess.
My character now has a clan tag? I’ve never had a clan tag in my life now I have one of random letters. It’s all so bewildering. I’m unable to level up too.
The weapon/throwable icons on the bottom right are flashing every 15 seconds like I just spawned in. I have gold on guns I know I never levelled up. The load out screen has Vanguard UI.
Missing data pack issue on Modern Warfare, Multiplayer not working (Workaround)
Meanwhile, there are other players who report not being able to access Multiplayer in COD: Modern Warfare due to the ‘missing data pack’ issue.
I have all required data packs to play multiplayer yet i keep getting a “Missing data pack” error. Is this because of the new update? Is the game finally broken enough? Could i get some sort of answer?
For this particular glitch, there is a workaround that reportedly helps to resolve it:
It should be noted that Raven Software (the game developers) has a Trello Board where the problems they are working on appear.
In one of their most recent updates, they state that they are investigating about ‘various performance issues’ on PlayStation, which could be related to previous reports.

At the moment, this is all that is known on this particular matter. We will update this article if new related developments emerge to keep you informed.
Finally, you can check the bugs/issues tracker dedicated to the COD saga to be aware of everything.
Click/tap to view older updates
Update 1 (December 10)
11:34 am (IST): In case you noticed the game crashing while using the Predator missile killstreak, then you may find some solace knowing that this is a known issue and Raven Software confirmed it’s working on a fix.
❗️ Re. Modern Warfare Multiplayer:
The Predator Missile Killstreak is linked to an issue causing game clients to crash.
We advise players to avoid using this Killstreak while we continue to work on a fix. (Source)
Update 2 (December 11)
10:56 pm (IST): Raven Software rolled out a new update for Warzone to fix a bunch of bugs and issues as well as tweak some of the weapons in the game. Unfortunately, this release does not come with any fixes for the crashing issues or multiplayer issues we’ve highlighted above.
Update 3 (December 13)
11:00 am (IST): An individual has shared a video on YouTube that walks through some of the various workarounds including generic steps that you can take in order to fix the crashing issues or other minor problems that you may run into while playing the game. Check it out below:
Update 4 (December 14)
04:26 pm (IST): An individual has shared a workaround for the data pack bug that prevents players from playing the game. Check it out below:
100% guaranteed to work (unless that newest update made it even worse..)
-Delete and re-install the game.
-ONLY download multiplayer data pack 2 and spec ops/multiplayer compatibility pack.
-Exit game and allow those two packs to download and install.
When you go back it, it should be all fixed. I’m on PlayStation consoles, but I believe this should apply to Xbox as well. Everyone I’ve suggested it to has had a 100% success rate. (Source)
Update 5 (December 15)
11:11 am (IST): One of our readers has also shared a workaround that helped them fix the issue. So you can try out the following steps to see if it’s any help:
So after searching dozens of boards and multiple videos, without getting any clear way to resolve this, I found out the solution.
In order to fix the “Missing Data Pack” issue, follow below steps.
1. Go inside the game menu, and click on Multiplayer. This will take you to the menu where it shows what all is installed in your game.
2. Here you will see Multiplayer and Special Ops Data Pack 3. Click on it.
3. After clicking that option, exit the game and go to Manage game and add ons.
4. NOW the option to install Data Pack 3 will show up.
5. Go ahead and install it.
Many thanks for the workaround, Osama S!
Update 6 (December 16)
11:00 am (IST): Warzone picked up a new update on December 15 that brought along a bunch of weapon adjustments and bug fixes. Unfortunately, the release notes have no mention about the data pack bug that prevents players from playing the game.
Update 7 (December 17)
11:20 am (IST): Warzone picked up yet another update but there does not appear to be a fix for the data pack bug. The highlight of the new update is that the Bombing Runs over the Caldera have come to a halt.
Update 8 (December 18)
11:14 am (IST): One individual claims the best way to fix the problem is to simply download and install all the DLCs. According to them, there are chances that you might be missing a lot of content which leads to the game being unplayable.
My fix!!
1) go into Warzone
2) from lobby his three bar “hamburger” for Options
3) right bumper to Account
4) under Game section select Game lnstalls
5) verify all DLCs are installedPersonally l was missing 12.6GB Pack 3 which didn’t appear anywhere else but here, hope this helps! (Source)
Update 9 (December 20)
10:45 am (IST): Warzone updates keep flowing in. The latest update that dropped on December 19 brings a few bug fixes, however, the changelog has no mention of a fix for the data pack bug.
Update 10 (December 21)
12:10 pm (IST): A YouTuber has shared a few steps to find the missing data pack on the PlayStation 4 and 5. So in case you’ve been unable to play the game due to the issue, we’d suggest trying out the following:
Update 11 (December 22)
11:12 am (IST): One individual claims that they were able to fix the problem by installing data packs 1 and 2 for Modern Warfare and also having to hard reboot the game every time.
While the first half of the workaround has been known for a while, the second half that involves having to hard reboot the game every time is something not many are aware of.
You need to install data pack 1 and 2 for modern warfare. That fixed it for me. Then make sure to fully quit the game and restart it. You should see the infinity ward intro. If not you didn’t really restart it. (Source)
I learned last night you need a hard reboot of the game every time. But really…the game is still unplayable. You’re not missing anything. (Source)
Update 12 (December 23)
12:20 am (IST): While we’ve seen conflicting workarounds, the most useful workaround for the data pack issue seems to be to get the Data Pack 3 installed, as highlighted by a recent Twitter user.
Go to home screen game settings. Game add-ons, then look for MP pack 3 (Source)
Raven Software and Activision have still not come out publicly to acknowledge the missing data pack issue to date.
Update 13 (December 24)
12:03 pm (IST): A new video has gone live on YouTube, a video that goes to show users how to fix the Content Package No Longer Available error in COD Warzone for the PS4, PS5, and XBOX PC.
Update 14 (December 25)
10:58 am (IST): While the Festive Fervor is in full swing, Raven Software is yet to make any public acknowledgment for the missing data pack bug. The Warzone Trello board hasn’t been updated with the bug too.
Update 15 (December 27)
06:26 pm (IST): In case you weren’t able to access the ‘manage installs from the home page’ because the game sends you to the Vanguard section in the menu, then check out the view below to resolve the problem and get the data pack 3 installed.
Update 16 (December 29)
04:00 pm (IST): Xbox users can follow this detailed guide shared by a user on Twitter to get all the required data packs installed.
If Modern Warfare Multiplayer says “Missing Data Pack” for Multiplayer, go to Warzone instead. Go to Account options, select Installs, and you’ll see “Data Pack 3” as an option. Click it, accept. Then at the system level, Manage Game and Addons. You can now enable Data Pack 3. (Source)
Final step might be going to MW “accounts” section to locate the Install Data, and then enable its download there? Did you see Data pack 3 in the Xbox “Manage Game Installation” section for MW? (Source)
Update 17 (December 30)
06:00 pm (IST): Here’s a video guide that appears to have helped many users (as indicated in the comments section). Therefore, we’d suggest following the steps shared in the video to get things working again.
Update 18 (December 31)
01:24 pm (IST): Incoming is another workaround that was shared by a user on Reddit. Check it out below:
You need to remove everything except the following:
1. Base game = 88.9 GB
2. Multiplayer Pack = 6.0 GB
3. Multiplayer and Spec Ops pack = 6.7 GB
4. Multiplayer Pack 2 = 22.1 GB
5. Data Pack 3/Multiplayer and Spec Ops pack 2 = 12GB
Delete everything else.
With that said. MP matchmaking not working for me tonight. Just freezes entire game when I try to join a match. Have to quit/relaunch (Source)
Update 19 (January 1)
01:00 pm (IST): It has been weeks since the issue popped up but there has been no official word on the matter from either of the parties involved. Meanwhile, user reports (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) keep flooding platforms such as Twitter.
Update 20 (January 3)
12:18 pm (IST): In case you weren’t aware, Activision did address the missing data packs issue earlier as well for Xbox One users, as highlighted in the resolved issues section of its official issues tracker.
Unfortunately, this time around the developers appear to have turned a blind eye to the problem as we’re yet to come across any acknowledgment.
Update 21 (January 4)
11:103 am (IST): Yet another user-shared workaround that has to do with the data pack 3 has surfaced.
As per the user, as soon as you encounter the data pack missing message, enter on it and the following screen shall popup, wherein you need to select Multiplayer/Special Ops Compatibility Pack 2 and get it.
Following that, close the game, head to the menu and select Manage game and add-ons and then select Data Pack 3. Let the download complete and then reboot the console.
Once the console is up and running, the data pack 3 shall be renamed as Multiplayer/Special Ops Compatibility Pack 2, and you’ll be able to access multiplayer without any hassle.
The following video showcases how to execute the above stated:
Update 22 (January 5)
11:04 am (IST): As highlighted by an individual on Reddit, if you only have Modern Warfare installed, you may have to play around to get access to the data pack menu. Here’s what the user recommended:
Select “Multiplayer/Special Ops Compatibility Pack 2” and “Get it
Close the game, then menu “Manage game and add-ons” and select Data Pack 3.
Waiting for the download to finish and FULL REBOOT THE CONSOLE!!!
Once the console is back, that Data 3 will be renamed to “Multiplayer/Special Ops Compatibility Pack 2”
I literally just did this and I am back playing Multiplayer on my Xbox Series X.
Update 23 (January 6)
11:30 am (IST): Since Activision or Raven Software haven’t yet acknowledged the issue, you might want to report the missing data pack bug by filling up this form as recommended by Activision.
The more reports, the higher the chances that we’d see an acknowledgment or a fix.
Update 24 (January 7)
12:24 pm (IST): COD Warzone recently picked up a new update with a few fixes. However, many Modern Warfare players (1,2,3) are still furious as Raven Software hasn’t addressed the missing data pack issue as well as other bugs and glitches in Modern Warfare.
Update 25 (January 8)
12:24 pm (IST): Warzone picked up yet another update bringing with it a couple of fixes and adjustments. Unfortunately, there’s no good news for Modern Warfare players yet as the developers have chosen to remain silent.
Update 26 (January 10)
01:03 pm (IST): Here’s another workaround for the COD Modern Warfare data pack missing issue. For this players have to launch Warzone rather than digging around Modern Warfare settings.
– Launch Warzone and then go into Options > Account and select Game Installs.
– Then install the packs and head back to the homepage and launch Modern Warfare.
This workaround should definitely help you get rid of the issue. You can also check the aforementioned instructions in the video linked below.
Update 27 (January 11)
09:50 am (IST): To resolve the data pack issue in COD: Modern Warfare, one of the affected players said that you might need to play around Warzone or Vanguard until the data pack menu is displayed.
It appears that entering the game isn’t working. Some have mentioned that you need to enter Warzone or Vanguard to access the menu. I only have Modern Warfare installed so that might explains. You might need to play around until the data pack menu is displayed to you. (Source)
For more clarity on this, refer to the workaround we have mentioned in update 21 on January 04.
Update 28 (January 14)
05:31 am (IST): The game makers assured their players that they are working hard to resolve the issues encountered across all the titles including COD: Modern Warfare and the updates are being deployed as quickly as possible.

Update 29 (February 07)
03:57 pm (IST): The players facing issues with the game due to the data pack missing or being corrupted can try clearing the cache of their consoles as a workaround.
The cache becomes corrupted over time and may cause these kinds of issues. So, here’s a guide on how to clear cache or delete old files from Play Station and Xbox gaming consoles.
Update 30 (February 16)
01:11 pm (IST): The crashing issue of COD: Modern Warfare is not yet fixed. So, it seems that the devs have not addressed it yet.
Warzone and Vanguard players have recently received Season Two update. And as it turns out, players who were not having the crashing issues before have also begun reporting (1, 2, 3, 4) the same problem.
Update 31 (February 28)
04:41 pm (IST): It has been around three months since users started reporting this issue. And despite being such a widespread problem, the game maker hasn’t addressed it yet.
Also, the official Trello board of Raven Software and the bug tracker do not mention anything about it.
Update 32 (March 03)
12:11 pm (IST): The latest patch for COD: Warzone has been released with various bug fixes. And yet, it does not include any fix or improvements for the Modern Warfare Multiplayer issue.
Update 33 (April 28)
04:15 pm (IST): Many COD: Modern Warfare players are again reporting (1, 2, 3, 4) that either they are unable to play multiplayer mode or their data packs got deleted after the recent update.
Update 34 (April 29)
05:22 pm (IST): Activision is aware of the issue where players are unable to install the Multiplayer packs on PlayStation 5. Moreover, they are working to resolve it. However, they did not provide any ETA for the fix.
Update 35 (April 30)
07:00 pm (IST): Multiple Xbox players report not being able to find matches when the crossplay option is disabled.
So, this could be the reason for the recently reported multiplayer issues (see update 33).
Update 36 (May 2)
05:45 pm (IST): One of the affected players has suggested a workaround to fix the missing multiplayer data pack problem. It involves deleting multiplayer pack 2.
Update 37 (May 3)
05:10 pm (IST): A Redditor has suggested a potential solution for the data packs issue which the affected players can try and see if it helps them resolve the problem.
Are you on console? I’m on Xbox and I had one missing pack even tho evey time I checked my add-ons it said I had everything installed. What ended up fixing it was launching Warzone then I went to check my packs again and “magically” my missing pack appeared and I was able to download it. (Source)
Update 38 (May 5)
05:47 pm (IST): A Redditor has suggested a workaround that requires re-installing the game. If you are still facing issues with multiplayer on COD: Modern Warfare, then you can try and see if it helps.

Update 39 (May 9)
12:02 pm (IST): A player has confirmed that he was able to play multiplayer with random players but not with friends. So, those affected can try playing multiplayer with other players instead of setting matches with friends.
Update 40 (May 26)
04:44 pm (IST): It has been almost six months since this issue was first reported and fresh user reports (1, 2) regarding missing data pack are still coming in. Also, there is no recent acknowledgment for the same.
Players still have to download every data pack after each update. Also, this causes another issue (1, 2) where the game does not recognize if a player has downloaded the data pack after an update and it does not let them play.
Update 41 (May 30)
12:38 pm (IST): Some players are now reporting that they aren’t even able to download the missing data packs and getting ‘Oops. Not sure what happened there. Please try again later’ error message.
Update 42 (June 1)
12:22 pm (IST): A Redditor has shared a workaround that may help you get rid of the issue where players are unable to download the multiplayer data pack or it is missing. You can check it out below.

Update 42 (June 6)
01:51 pm (IST): A player has claimed that the data pack might be missing because players are using a digital version of the game through game sharing from a friend. Here’s the complete statement.

Update 43 (June 14)
03:37 pm (IST): Here’s another potential workaround players can try if they are unable to download the data pack on COD: Modern Warfare.
For this you’ll have to ask another player, who already has data pack installed, to send the link of data pack from their account.
I had the same problem, you need someone that has the pack installed to go to it’s Xbox store page and have them send the link to you, i tried asking for it here but had no luck, everyone just kept saying: “hehe just go to mw and click on the pack you want to download hehe, so easy” (Source)
Update 44 (June 15)
06:37 pm (IST): A Redditor pointed out that the data packs are downloaded but not being installed and players have to do it manually. If data packs are still missing for you then you can try the solution mentioned below.
Edit: Fellas, I have solved the problem. They were downloaded but not installed, idk how or what but yea. I had to go to manage game and add in’s, and Glock on the game and choose an installation drive (Source)
Update 45 (June 16)
05:03 pm (IST): A Redditor has suggested a workaround for the multiplayer pack issue. Those affected can try and see if it helps.
Right so I’ve finally sorted it. Legit took me like 6 hours trying different methods
Like Jeeper says. Delete the whole game and re download. That’s how you get MP pack 1 then you have to reinstall other packs. (Source)
Ok so the packs I’ve got are as follows:
– Campaign and Special ops
– Campaign pack
– Campaign pack 1
– Campaign pack 2
– Multiplayer and Special ops pack
– Multiplayer pack
– Multiplayer pack 2
– Special ops pack
– Special ops pack 1
– 9 packs in total. Hope this helps some people. Took me hours hah (Source)
Update 46 (June 20)
12:32 pm (IST): A video published on January 8 this year outlines the steps users should take in order to fix the multiplayer data pack issues. You can check it out below:
The comments under the video, including recent ones, indicate that this does indeed do the trick. So try it out and share your experience below.
Update 47 (June 24)
06:25 pm (IST): While COD: Vanguard players have received another update with new changes and bug fixes, it appears that devs have left Modern Warfare issues unacknowledged and neither do they seem to be working on a fix.
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