Forza Horizon 5 is the fifth and latest installment in the long-running celebrated Forza franchise. Released in November last year, the game is developed by Playground Games and published by Xbox Game Studios.
In just a week after its launch, Forza Horizon 5 had more than 10 million players. The title features the largest map in the series and is set in the beautiful country of Mexico.
Unsurprisingly, players are no strangers when it comes to bugs and glitches with many recently saying they were unable to collect gifts and couldn’t complete Festival Playlist challenges.
That being said, Forza Horizon 5 players are now reporting (1,2,3,4,5) that the On Target Treasure Hunt quest is bugged. Many say they were able to complete the challenges but did not see the chest anywhere.
A bunch of players say the bugged quest is preventing them from completing the Min meets Max achievement.
Some say tried restarting their console and system but nothing seems to help fix the problem. Here are some reports from players who completed the quest but did not get anything.
FH5 Treasure Hunt task completed but chest not appearing on map.
Did some jumps off Danger Signs and nothing happened. I restarted the game and got the message that I completed the task but the circle showing the location of the chest isn’t appearing and when I go to where the chest should be, it’s not there. Am I out of luck here? I tried restarting again and again and nothing. EDIT: I’m on PC
Yes that’s exactly what happened to me. Completed it, the map opened and acted like it was going to do something, and then didn’t. No circle and the treasure chest is not where it’s supposed to be. The card in the weekly challenges page didn’t change either, but it said when I completed the conditions that I had done it.
Forza Horizon 5 developers (Playground Games) had acknowledged the issue and said that the team was aware. Unfortunately, they did not share any info on when the issue will be fixed.
That being said, the developers included it in the list of fixed issues and said the problem was fixed on February 28, a day before the Forza Season ended.
But the developers allegedly released the fix on March 1, at which point the Season was already over. With the majority of the base saying they did not get the reward for the bugged On Target, many are now asking Playground Games to compensate them.
Will we be getting compensated for the broken treasure hunt last week that was never addressed and hasn’t allowed myself and many other players to unlock the “min meet max” achievement
We hope Playground Games takes notice of the issue and compensates Forza Horizon 5 players for the On Target Treasure Hunt quest.
As always, we will be keeping tabs on the matter and update this space as and when required so stay tuned.
Note: We have more such stories in our dedicated Gaming Section so be sure to follow them as well.
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