Released in 2016, Pokemon Go is one of the most famous mobile games of all time. Developed by Niantic in partnership with Nintendo and The Pokemon Company, the game was downloaded more than a billion times in early 2019.

It uses Augmented Reality to show virtual creatures in the real world and operates on the freemium business model.


While the game was released with 150 Pokemon’s, the developer added several more in the last few years with the game having somewhere around 700 in 2021.

That being said, Niantic recently received a huge backlash from its player base when many said that they were seeing different prices for the Lure module box even though they were in the same region.

Players also complained about the trade feature being disabled to investigate lucky friends issue and Pokemon’s hatching or appearing from egg repeatedly.


And now, Pokemon Go players are reporting (1,2,3,4,5) that the Super Effective Charged Attacks are counting towards their progress in Team Leader and Rocket Grunt battles.

It looks like the issue is frustrating many since they are unable to complete their tasks.


@NianticHelp super effective charged attack isn’t counting in my progress since yesterday. In all my battles (gym, pvp, grunts) since yesterday, Almost every charged attack was super effective but it’s not counting here. Even in the field research task.

I Just Battled again with 1 of the Parties I used before. I did Recording like You said. Still NO Increase after Battling Grunts with Super Effective Charged Attacks. I’m TIRED of being Treated like I’m lying! UbiKit13

Fortunately, Niantic Support was quick to comment on the matter and said that Pokemon Go developers are indeed aware of the Super Effective Charged Attacks not counting issue.

Hi Maria! We’re aware of the issue where super effective Charged Attacks used while battling Team Leaders and Team GO Rocket Grunts do not count for Field Research and Level Up Research tasks. We’ve mitigated this in the release (0.229). More info: ^SF

Although it looks like the bug will be fixed in the coming update, there is no timeframe on when it will be released. Rest assured, we will be keeping an eye out for more information and update this space as and when required so make sure you stay tuned.

In the meantime, you can check out our dedicated Pokemon Go bug tracker to check out similar issues affecting players.

Note: We have more such stories in our dedicated Gaming Section so be sure to follow them as well.

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Anurag Chawake
1373 Posts

My fascination with technology and computers goes back to the days of Windows XP. Since then, I have been tinkering with OS, mobile phones, and other things. When I am not working on anything, you will find me enjoying video games on some Discord server.

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