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Original story (published on January 07, 2021) follows:

The Redmi Note 8 and its variants remain among the most popular Xiaomi smartphones ever. However, owners of these devices, more so the standard Note 8, have had quite the journey in terms of software updates.

Sure, the Redmi Note 8 is only the second ever Redmi device to bag two major Android OS updates following the recent switch to MIUI 12.5 beta based on Android 11, but all is far from perfect.

The switch to MIUI 12 has been marred with delays and rollback episodes that have strolled into 2021 despite months of waiting. Just so you know, those on the global ROM are the worst hit.

Redmi Note 8

The device received MIUI 12 update late last year only to be halted shortly after due to a serious bug. It then emerged that the issue was limited to those on the global MIUI ROM.

To address the issue, Xiaomi released a newer build for those on, effectively getting them ready for the switch to MIUI 12. It was then revealed that this update would arrive in early January 2021.

True to this, Xiaomi rolled out a new MIUI build to the global Redmi Note 8 earlier this week, but it later turned out that the small OTA was a target for those on the initial buggy MIUI 12 update.


Granted, it meant that those on build were condemned to further waiting, something that isn’t sitting well with most of them, as you’d expect.

Hi, where is miui 12 and android 10 for redmi note 8 global (11.0.12.), I have been waiting for a long time and I’m waiting .Do you have an answer ABOUT this? Please answer clearly and succinctly?

Hey Xiaomi Support Team! I like your devices a lot and I own a Redmi Note 8. I have MIUI (PCOMIXM), and you guys said that it would be released this week but I can’t see any updates, I’m just tired of being stuck in MIUI 11. When is it gonna be released?

When is it going to be released miui 12 global for Redmi note 8?


Responding to one of the concerned Redmi Note 8 users stuck on MIUI, Xiaomi support on Twitter notes that the update to MIUI 12 is already rolling out to those on this particular build.

However, since it is rolling out gradually, it will take a week or so to reach every affected Note 8 unit. While there are no reports of anyone who got the update, this is quite plausible.

Hi, friend, we have already started releasing the update of MIUI 12 Global for Redmi Note 8 based on MIUI, which will normally cover all the phones in one week. Let us wait for it together!


To be more specific, the same MIUI build rolling out as an incremental update to Note 8 users already on MIUI 12 can be expected to arrive on the global units stuck on MIUI as well.

But of course, since the initial MIUI 12 build had issues, Xiaomi is trying to be more careful with this edition before commencing the wider rollout. We will let you know when this begins.

Update (January 12)

We now have confirmation that indeed the MIUI 12 update is rolling out to global Redmi Note 8 units that have been stuck on version for weeks now. See the full story here.

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Hillary Keverenge
2342 Posts

Tech has been my playground for over a decade. While the Android journey began early, it truly took flight with the revolutionary Lollipop update. Since then, it's been a parade of Android devices (with a sprinkle of iOS), culminating in a mostly happy marriage with Google's smart home ecosystem. Expect insightful articles and explorations of the ever-evolving world of Android and Google products coupled with occasional rants on the Nest smart home ecosystem.

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