New updates are being added at the bottom of this story…….

Original story (published on January 05, 2021) follows:

While smartphone OEMs have already started pushing the Android 11 update to eligible phones from their portfolio, Motorola is yet to release Android 10 for a couple of devices.

Further, it’s yet to release Android 11 as a stable update to any device which is disappointing considering the fact that vendors such as Xiaomi have released the new Android version to some mid-range phones as well.


One such device that is yet to get the update to Android 10 is the Motorola One Macro. In early December, we reported that Motorola began soak testing Android 10 for the device in India.

And towards the tail-end of the month, new information came to light suggesting that the company started rolling out the update in stages for the Motorola One Macro in India.

However, we still have not managed to come across any reports from users confirming that they have received the stable Android 10 update on their units.


Nevertheless, those who have been waiting for Android 10 for over a year can find some solace in knowing that Motorola will release it soon according to an admin on the company’s community forum.

Unfortunately, the admin’s comment also contains some bad news for Motorola One Macro users. We’ve shared a screenshot of it below:


As you can see, the good news here is that you can expect Motorola to release Android 10 for the Motorola One Macro soon, however, the device won’t be getting Android 11.

This isn’t entirely surprising since the official list of eligible devices for Android 11 shared by the company does not mention the Motorola One Macro as well.

Moreover, Motorola usually seeds one major Android OS update for its mid-range and low-end devices. This means that Motorola One Macro was doomed from the start.


The device launched with Android 9 Pie pre-installed even though Android 10 was publicly available. So for some reason, Motorola chose not to offer users the latest Android version at the time.

Nevertheless, while the forum admin has not shared a specific date or month for when we can expect Android 10 to go live, it’s likely that Motorola would start seeding it in the following weeks or by next month.

You can keep track of all the developments regarding Android 10 for the Motorola One Macro by heading here.

As for Android 11, you can check out our dedicated tracker to know the status of the latest Android version for all eligible devices.

Update 1 (January 12)

02:25 pm (IST): A Motorola forum admin has claimed that the Android 10 update is coming and is currently being tested by members of the Motorola Feedback Network (MFN) community. More on this here.

Update 2 (January 15)

03:45 pm (IST): New developments indicate that Motorola may have begun rolling out Android 10 for the Motorola One Macro in Brazil. Head here for more details.

Update 3 (January 22)

02:54 pm (IST): It appears that Android 10 is finally rolling out on a wider scale for the Motorola One Macro in Brazil. It’s likely that the update will also go live for all users in India soon. Check out our full coverage here.

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Dwayne Cubbins
1298 Posts

My fascination with Android phones began the moment I got my hands on one. Since then, I've been on a journey to decode the ever-evolving tech landscape, fueled by a passion for both the "how" and the "why." Since 2018, I've been crafting content that empowers users and demystifies the tech world. From in-depth how-to guides that unlock your phone's potential to breaking news based on original research, I strive to make tech accessible and engaging.

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