NOTICE: We’ve created an archive of all major developments related to the Poco F1 smartphone and MIUI 12. We are continuously updating that page with the latest Pocophone F1 news so that you don’t need to search for information related to the device on a daily basis. Head here to access that page.
New updates are being added at the bottom of this story…….
Original story (published on October 22, 2020) follows:
The road to MIUI 12 for the Poco F1 has been a rather grueling one. We have a post that follows all the twists and turns that users have been subjected to and you can check that out here.

So, MIUI 12 for the Poco F1 is out. Well, kinda. We saw the initial stable Beta, MIUI 12.0.1 released back in September. However, due to bugs, that build was rolled back.
Later, we saw the release of build number MIUI 12.0.2. This version of MIUI 12 has been rolling out steadily and while Xiaomi says that it is going out to the public, a large section of users are yet to bag this update on their Poco F1.
A quick scroll through the socials and you’re bound to come across countless users asking Xiaomi about the status of MIUI 12 for their Pocophone F1.

My POCO F1 did not get MIUI 12 update till now!! It is almost a week since I didn’t get the update!!! Please fix this issue!!! Please provide MIUI 12 software update to my POCO F1!!!!
So, what’s the hold up? Why isn’t MIUI 12 rolling out to all Poco F1/Pocophone F1 users? Well, here’s what we think.
When Xiaomi makes a new firmware available, it often offers two modes of installation, the Recovery file that we often share on this platform and a Fastboot ROM that can be flashed onto the device via ADB.
Usually, the Fastboot ROM comes a few weeks after the stable Beta when Xiaomi publishes the official announcement post signaling a wider rollout.
To recall, we saw the beta stable come out last week. This, therefore, means that it could take another week or so to release the Fastboot ROM.
Back on October 10, when asked about the availability of the Fastboot ROM, we saw a Xiaomi Forum mod say:
As long as devs do the final testing and receive feedback, they’ll push the fastboot ROM. The previous version had lot of bugs and was rolled back, so they need to be sure this time before releasing. Kindly wait.
On October 20, the same forum mod when asked about the same fastboot ROM availability says:
When the update is rolled out fully to all the users. Can’t say when. Usually, it would take a week or two since the Beta Stable release, but this is taking longer than expected though. Cheers! 🙂
See, the initial Fastboot ROM was rolled back owing to bugs and that was about two weeks into the limited rollout. Does this now mean that the delay in rolling out V12.0.2 Fastboot ROM has something to do with bugs?
Does this mean that the latest build could face the same fate as the previous Fastboot ROM? That is certainly a possibility.
If that is the case, we could see another update for the Poco F1 rolled back, much to the dismay of users who have been waiting for this build since back in July.

For now, though, the wait is still on as users wait for the Global Stable version of MIUI 12 to hit their Pocophone F1, or the Fastboot ROM to be made available.
We don’t know any of this for sure. That said, we shall continue to keep an eye on the MIUI 12 rollout to the Pocophone F1/ Poco F1 so you might want to check out our MIUI 12 tracker for more.
Update 1 (October 27)
Poco F1 users who don’t want to wait for the OTA update to arrive carrying MIUI 12 can now download the official Recovery or Fastboot ROMs in order to install MIUI 12 on their devices. Head here to know more.
NOTE: We have these and many more Xiaomi stories in our dedicated Xiaomi section.
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