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Original story (published on July 4, 2020) follows:

The Xiaomi Redmi Note 9S released with MIUI 11 based on Android 10. It arrived with support for HD playback on streaming services such as Netflix and Amazon Prime Video. However, after a recent update, users noticed that the Widevine L1 certification is missing.

Xiaomi in the past has released updates that bring the certification to its phones. Towards the end of last year, the company promised to fix the Widevine L1 issues on the Redmi Note 8 Pro via an update. Therefore, it’s highly likely that Redmi Note 9S users will also receive a fix.

Nonetheless, a new update is now being released for the device. The latest update is MIUI and while users expected to see the Widevine L1 certification come back with this update, sadly, it remains missing.

For the uninitiated, Widevine L1 certification basically allows HD playback on a device. Therefore, without this Redmi Note 9S users are unable to stream HD content on Netflix and Amazon Prime Video. Moreover, according to a moderator on Mi community, the chances of the issue being fixed in MIUI 11 are slim.


But there’s still hope for the issue to be fixed in a future update. In the same comment, the mod also states that a few issues, along with the Widevine L1 problem are already reported. So it’s now up to the development team to implement the changes or bring a fix.

And since the Redmi Note 9S MIUI 12 update is currently in the works, it’s highly likely the fixes will arrive with it. So users may have to wait a few more weeks to know more about the matter. Needless to say, this does not guarantee that the problem will be fixed for sure.

There are also chances that the Redmi Note 9S MIUI 12 update Mi Pilot recruitment will be starting in the near future.

redmi note 9s
Redmi Note 9s

You can check out our MIUI 12 update tracker to know when your Redmi Note 9S or any other Xiaomi device for that matter will be receiving the update.

Update 1 (August 27)

Redmi Note 9S was released a couple of months ago and supported HD playback on streaming services out-of-the box. However, one of the updates broke Widevine L1 certification that left users with no access to HD content.

It was speculated that Xiaomi will bring a fix with MIUI 12 update, but to everyone’s surprise, the company brought a fix with the latest August security update. Read the full story here.

Update 2 (September 10)

IST 04:05 pm: According to moderators on the Mi forums, Xiaomi may fix the Mi Video application and late or often missing app notifications issues on the Redmi Note 9S with the update to MIUI 12. See more details here.

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Dwayne Cubbins
1299 Posts

My fascination with Android phones began the moment I got my hands on one. Since then, I've been on a journey to decode the ever-evolving tech landscape, fueled by a passion for both the "how" and the "why." Since 2018, I've been crafting content that empowers users and demystifies the tech world. From in-depth how-to guides that unlock your phone's potential to breaking news based on original research, I strive to make tech accessible and engaging.

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