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Original story (published on May 21) follows:

HMD Global had 20 Nokia smartphones to upgrade to Android 10 OS. To date, 16 of these devices are running the OS following airborne updates at different times over the past months.

The latest to join the party is the Nokia 5.1 Plus. After weeks of patience, owners of the device finally started receiving the update a few days ago, the second and last major OS upgrade.

Nokia 5.1 Plus Android 10 update is now available

As per the revised roadmap released earlier this year after evaluating the damages caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the Nokia 5.1 Plus was expected to get Android 10 in early Q2 2020 alongside the Nokia 1 Plus.

While this materialized for the Nokia 1 Plus, the 5.1 Plus had to wait until mid-Q2 to pick up the promised update. Next in line, according to the same roadmap, are the Nokia 2.1, Nokia 3.1, Nokia 5.1, and the entry-level Nokia 1.

Revised Nokia Android 10 update roadmap

Q2 only has a little over a month before it comes to an end. Granted, HMD has a limited time in which to finalize the Nokia Android 10 updates for the remaining four devices. Hopefully, nothing comes between to drag the process.

Some of the devices that picked up updates to Android 10 will remain on this OS forever. A few others will be upgraded to Android 11 beginning later this year.

If interested in more details about the Nokia Android 11 update, including availability and eligible devices, feel free to route here.

Update 1 (July 7)

The update to Android 10 is now live for the Nokia 1. Head here for more details.

Update 2 (August 26)

We have now rounded up all the details surrounding the Android 10 update status for the Nokia 2.1, Nokia 3.1, and Nokia 5.1. The three devices are yet to bag the update to Android 10. Check out all the details here.

Update 3 (September 02)

IST: 07:00 pm: While the Nokia 5.1 and Nokia 3.1 are still awaiting for the Android 10 update to arrive, it is the Nokia 2.1 which has already started grabbing the lon-awaited update. Initially, Nokia will be pushing the update to a section of users based in certain regions. See the full details here.

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Hillary Keverenge
2341 Posts

Tech has been my playground for over a decade. While the Android journey began early, it truly took flight with the revolutionary Lollipop update. Since then, it's been a parade of Android devices (with a sprinkle of iOS), culminating in a mostly happy marriage with Google's smart home ecosystem. Expect insightful articles and explorations of the ever-evolving world of Android and Google products coupled with occasional rants on the Nest smart home ecosystem.

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