NOTICE: We’ve created an archive of all major developments related to the Pocophone F1 smartphone. We are continuously updating that page with latest Poco F1 news so that you don’t need to search for information related to the device on a daily basis. Head here to access that page.
Xiaomi’s Pocophone F1 (sold in India as the Poco F1) really stirred up the smartphone industry when it was unveiled back in 2018. And for good reason. The device packed the best internals at the time, while undercutting similarly spec’d devices in price threefold.
It was the flagship-killer killer, seeing as OnePlus, a company that prided itself as being the flagship killer had crept up to the big dogs in price.

But that was then. Now, the device’s age is beginning to show. The device is almost two years old at this point and it is quickly coming to its end of official support by Xiaomi.
As such, it is worth taming one’s expectations on what exactly this device is capable of now. As it turns out, the device might not be getting some of the headlining features that more recent Xiaomi devices will be boasting of.

When asked about whether the Pocophone F1 will be getting some camera enhancements like Vlog mode with the upcoming MIUI 12 build, the device team says:
There isn’t any official information regarding vlog mode on POCO F1. Since POCO F1 is almost 2 yrs phone, it is quite tough to expect new feature now.
VLOG Mode is an interesting camera mode for recording short videos. It does this by stitching together multiple photos using artistic effects baked into the camera app. This feature debuted sometime in late 2019 and is available on select Xiaomi devices running MIUI 11.1.
To recall, it recently came to light that the update process for the Pocophone F1 may get slower for the device considering it’s old now.
Moving forward, Pocophone F1 users might want to leverage the developer community and resort to Custom aftermarket firmware to further extend the life of this device.
NOTE: We have these and many more Xiaomi stories in our dedicated Xiaomi section.
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