Google recently launched the Pixel 4 and its ‘XL’ variant that packed in some innovative tech under the hood. It brought in Project Soli, which allows the users to use their phones (well almost!) with hand gestures.

Google Pixel 4

Surprisingly, the company decided not to launch the Pixel 4 lineup in one of the biggest smartphone markets, India. The reason being restrictions on usage of radar technology. They could have brought in Pixel 4 without the radar tech but, they went ahead without it.

Google is also not far behind when it comes to providing great network plans for its customers, and for it, they brought in Google Fi. It is a telecommunication service (MVNO) exclusive only for US residents that provides calls, SMS and mobile broadband using cellular networks and WiFi.


Moreover, Google Fi uses network carriers operated by Sprint, T-Mobile, and US Cellular. In fact, you can get a full-fledged plan that fits your data usage.

However, in a recent development, users of Google Fi have reported the SMS integration issue with the Hangouts app. Reportedly, even after turning Hangout integration ON, the texts are arriving through the default messaging app, i.e. Messages.


Not only this one user on Reddit reported that the default messaging app on their device somehow changed to Messages even though Hangout was selected as the default app.

Looking at the discussions, users of Google Fi are not only facing the Hangouts integration problem but, they are also coming across random split of messages between Messages and Hangouts app.


Moreover, one Non-Google Fi user also shared the fact that Hangouts cannot be set as a default messaging app. However, Hangouts integration for Google Fi users is still a thing, though users are facing issues with it as well.


Though, it is apparently working for some of the Google Fi users even though it says SMS is disabled. Maybe Google was quick on its feet for addressing this issue.


It seems like the issues resolved on its own for a bunch of users. Feel free to let us know in the comments if you faced this issue in your device on Google Fi network and whether the issue resolved or not.

Note: You can check out our dedicated Google section for reading more similar stories about Google smartphones and other devices.

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Sagar Naresh
989 Posts

A Six Sigma and Google Certified Digital Marketer who also holds an MBA degree in Finance and Marketing. A technology and automobile enthusiast who likes to play guitar, travel, and relax. Entrepreneur and Blogger.

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