New updates are being added at the bottom of this story…….

Original story (published on August 21, 2023) follows:

Crashing servers and player ejections are plaguing Airship Syndicate’s latest MMORPG, Wayfinder. Reports assert that the game is struggling to accommodate the surging player counts.

Merely days after its release, the game has become a subject of widespread criticism across the internet.

Numerous reports have emerged on Reddit and X detailing the game’s server-related issues.

wayfinder server crashing

I understand a day or two, but this is like 4+ days after “launch” and people still can’t really play the game. At some point they need to take the money they’ve gotten for founder packs so far, take the game off the market, and fix the servers. Having it go this long like this is not a good sign for the future, early access or not. (Source)

Im a pretty patient person with mmo launches, but this one has been crazy. Never thought I still wouldn’t be able to get in on the 4th day (Source)

Given its MMORPG nature, the Wayfinder experience heavily relies on online support. Regrettably, these reports (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) point out that this is precisely where the game is most lacking.

Despite being in “early access,” players are adamant that this should not be used as an excuse for the subpar servers and live support.

Additionally, certain players are going as far as to reveal that they are unable to progress beyond the initial loading screen due to the excessively lengthy server load times.

Moreover, one report even goes so far as to allege that the maximum player limit for servers is an alarmingly low 10,000.

So in discord’s chat one of the dev said that currently there is a max of 10k players total. So even if you queue, you need someone to crash, get disconnected to move up. No wonder you get to do 1 dungeon then disconnect. Everyone gets a small trial for like ~10min then BOOP your time is up time to give up your spot to someone else… (Source)

wayfinder png

Players demand action against crashing servers of Wayfinder

As the players’ reports of the game’s server issues stack, their severity becomes very apparent.

One report cites alleged queues of up to 12,000 players waiting to access a server.

Frustrated by the issues and poor support from the developers, some players have initiated a petition to have the game removed from the store until the issues are resolved.

As of now, a recent update was announced on the official Discord server. Allegedly improving the server performance.

However, on August 19, 2023, just days after its launch, the developers had officially issued an apology.

Their apology acknowledged the game’s flawed launch and provided an update on the server situation:

Although we ran technical tests and betas across multiple regions, we were seeing more players every minute than played in our Beta each day. Although we had a queue system ready, that system failed immediately. We quickly implemented numerous fixes to try and stabilize the login experience and those failed as well. We ended up having to put a cap on the players that were on the server which was less than ideal and resulted in the “Maximum Player Limit Reached” error last night. (Source)

We’ll keep track of the situation and post an update if and when the developers make any new statements or release a patch.

Update 1 (August 22, 2023)

03:52 p.m. (IST): An official server update has been added to the game. The devs promise that the server performance will significantly improve now.

Our team is seeing great progress on the server side of things. More and more Wayfinders are able to enter the game while maintaining server stability. (Source)

Feature image source: Official Wayfinder website

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