Trello, a widely recognized and user-friendly project management tool, has revolutionized the way individuals and teams organize and collaborate on tasks.

It offers a streamlined approach to managing projects, making it a go-to choice for professionals in various industries. However, that doesn’t mean it’s immune to various bugs and issues.


Among its several useful features, the clipboard function is a vital tool that enables users to seamlessly copy and paste content across various applications and platforms.

Trello users unable to copy-paste images on cards

However, recent reports indicate that Trello users are facing an issue where they are unable to copy and paste images directly onto cards, thus rendering the clipboard function ineffective (1,2,3).

Source (Click/tap to view)

Trello error can’t paste screenshot or image from clipboard
Hello, On Windows 11, I’ve been encountering an error since this morning where, whether from Greenshot, ShareX or another capture application, I can no longer directly paste images copied from the clipboard.

@Trello I recently have this issue where if I ctrl+V an image into a ticket body or reply text I get this error. Confirmed by a colleague, and can repro in Chrome & FF. Can u help?

The inability to copy and paste images directly onto Trello cards has triggered a wave of frustration among users. The function not only fails, but it also gives an ‘Image files must end in .bmp, .gif, .jpg, .jpeg, .png, or .webp’ error.

Although the issue seems quite recent, it is causing a lot of inconvenience for several users. Accessing Trello on other browsers like Edge also gives the same error and doesn’t fix the broken clipboard feature.

Users’ productivity is clearly hampered by not being able to copy and paste photographs, which could even cause delays and project workflow breakdowns.

Issue acknowledged

Luckily, Trello has acknowledged the bug where users are unable to copy-paste images on cards. They also said that the team is working on a fix.

Hi there, so sorry for the trouble. Our engineers are aware of this bug and are working on a fix. Thanks for reporting and for your patience!

We have also come across a workaround that can help fix the issue temporarily. You can check it out below:

Source (Click/tap to view)

That said, we hope that Trello developers look into users’ reports and resolve the glitch at the earliest.

We’ll keep tabs on further developments and update the article accordingly.

Note: We have more such stories in our dedicated Apps section so be sure to follow them as well.

Featured image source: Atlassian

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Riya Madaan
868 Posts

Weaving a little bit of life into the articles I write. No, not really! That's not really possible for a trash writer like me but I still try. Apart from it, I skate, meditate and medicate. Also keep myself away from troubles as I age.

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