Are you a weather-savvy Pixel user who’s noticed something unusual about the Google Weather app lately? Well, here’s the buzz – users are ribbeting about a small issue: Froggy, the cute mascot, seems to have disappeared or gotten tiny in the Weather app, making some Pixel users a bit sad.

Froggy is more than just an adorable face in the weather app. He’s the weather wizard who does a little hop dance to reflect different weather conditions and the time of day. He hops around to show the current weather, offers a short-term forecast, and does a little jig reflecting the weather conditions. Froggy’s tiny antics have been an integral part of Google’s Weather app for a long time.

However, some Pixel users are reporting that Froggy has either vanished or shrunk down to a minuscule size. Froggy’s sudden disappearance or reduction in size has left some users feeling a bit soggy.

Here’s a comparison showing the difference in size between the old and new versions of Froggy:

At first, the disappearance of Froggy was a surprise for users. However, it has hopped back onto the screen for some after a recent update — albeit in a miniature form. This change, introduced a few months back, hasn’t been very well received. Users are upset that their beloved Froggy is so small and want Google to bring it back to its original size.

If Froggy has disappeared completely for you, we recommend updating the weather app to the latest version. We hope that Google hears the croaks and ribbits of its users and brings back Froggy to his original size in the Pixel Weather app. After all, it’s not just about weather updates, it’s about adding a little joy and froggy fun to the day.

Aashish Singh
502 Posts

I developed a keen interest in technology ever since my school days. And writing about it keeps me closer to this fascinating world. When I’m not working you can catch me playing video games.

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