The popular ROBLOX High School simulator, Royal High, is reportedly unfairly disconnecting players. While the devs are aware of the situation, there isn’t any official ETA available for the fix.

Anti-cheat system disconnecting players of ROBLOX Royal High?

Royale High is a fantasy school roleplaying and dress-up game on ROBLOX that allows players to attend a virtual high school and participate in various activities, such as attending classes, socializing, and participating in mini-games.

The game is set in a detailed virtual campus with various locations to explore, and players can customize their avatars, attend classes on various subjects, complete quests to earn virtual currency, and participate in special events and seasonal updates.

Being an online game, there is quite a large online community. This active player base calls for many in-game systems that ensure fair play. Among the misconducts, the most problematic was the surge of bots and auto-clickers.

Has this happened to anyone else??
byu/witchymagical inRoyaleHigh_Roblox

To ensure the issue doesn’t continue, the devs implemented a system that ensures that no one can use auto-clickers and other cheats. Unfortunately, according to the reports, this system is making things worse.

According to the players, the system is unfairly kicking out players, causing frustration among players as they report that this inconvenience is ruining their experience. The issue is most prevalent when the players mistakenly make multiple clicks during the guessing game.

Official acknowledgment

As the reports piled up, the players soon started cornering the devs to get some answers to their issues.

According to a statement made by the official support team, the issue has been acknowledged by the team. They are currently investigating the issue and may soon publish a fix, but there has been no official release announced for the fix yet.

ROBLOX Royal High disconnecting ack

The devs also advised being careful and not clicking on the wrong icons and clicking multiple times during the guessing game. Because each time the player gets banned, the ban period gets longer.

Note: We have more such stories in our dedicated gaming section, so be sure to follow them as well.

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Rituraj Halder
223 Posts

Rituraj is a Gaming Writer. With a deep passion for story-driven adventure RPGs, Rituraj has spent half his life crafting intriguing narratives inspired by them, making him a modern-day storyteller in his own right.

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