Fortnite Rocket Racing players are frustrated with the ‘collision’ mechanic in the game. According to reports, the feature is bugged and only adds more difficulties and frustration. The developers are aware of the issue and have acknowledged it with an official statement on social media.

Fortnite Rocket Racing collision bug

Rocket Racing is a new arcade-style game mode in Fortnite, developed by Psyonix, the team behind Rocket League. It combines the thrill of racing with the unique features of the Rocket League universe.

The game features fly, flip, and turbo mechanics, and players can race on different tracks, customize their cars, and compete in ranked matches. The game also features a ‘collision’ mechanic like the original Rocket League, which results in some intense action on the track.

Fortnite Rocket Racing collision report

Unfortunately, according to reports, the mechanic is somewhat broken, as players are reporting that their cars flip on the track due to unexpected, unexplained collisions that disrupt their flow and cause them to lose their position.

This issue has caused significant harm to the players, as they report that they are losing their ranks due to this problem. With the reports becoming more severe, the developers swiftly issued a statement.

Fortnite Rocket Racing collision ack

With a card on the official Trello board of Fortnite, the developers assured the players that they were currently working on the issue. According to the card, a fix is currently in ‘development’.

Players are fed up

However, fixing this bug alone may not satisfy the players. In addition to the bug reports, players are simply fed up with the ‘collision’ feature. With multiple reports and posts, players have shared their frustration with the mechanic.

Fortnite Rocket Racing collision report

It doesn’t seem like their grievances will ever be addressed, as even after all the complaints, the developers haven’t shown any attention to the issue, and it seems there are no plans to remove the mechanic anytime soon.

Note: We have more such stories in our dedicated gaming section, so be sure to follow them as well.

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Rituraj Halder
223 Posts

Rituraj is a Gaming Writer. With a deep passion for story-driven adventure RPGs, Rituraj has spent half his life crafting intriguing narratives inspired by them, making him a modern-day storyteller in his own right.

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