Among Google’s accessory ecosystem, we can also find earbuds under the Pixel Buds lineup, which currently offers a couple of models: the affordable ‘A-Series’ and the more advanced ‘Pro’ model. Now, it seems that the company is working on a feature that will send you push notification reminders to clean your Pixel Buds.

Google boasts that its Pixel Buds offer good audio quality, but elements such as dirt accumulated on the sound grills can have a negative impact. The dirt can come from dust in your pockets or from earwax. So, to prevent audio quality issues related to this, the Pixel Buds app is getting the ability to send you reminders to clean them.

Both the Pixel Buds A-Series and the Pixel Buds Pro have an in-ear design format, which is good for passive noise cancellation and resistance to falling with movement. But it also makes them more prone to accumulating dirt when you insert the tips into the ear. Therefore, it is necessary to clean them from time to time. According to the report, the function was implemented in the Pixel Buds app v1.0.555017123, and there are already users starting to receive it.

In addition to ensuring the best audio quality that the Pixel Buds can offer, cleaning them will also help prevent potential charging problems resulting from dirt accumulating on the charging pins. Once you receive the notification, clicking on it will redirect you to the official cleaning guide for your earbuds and charging case.

Finally, 9to5Google adds that the logic that the app follows to send you reminders is not based on dirt detection, but rather the Pixel Buds app tracks how long you have used them and sends the push notification every 120 hours.

Jean Leon
1613 Posts

A tech enthusiast since ever. I like to always be up to date on the latest news in the industry and write about it. Twitter: @jean_ERdC

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