Support for the digital car keys feature has finally arrived on the Google Pixel 8 Pro months after launch and following numerous reports of compatibility issues. However, some users are still experiencing problems setting it up, even after applying the latest January Google Play and Google Wallet updates.

Since its release in October 2023, the Pixel 8 Pro faced difficulties with digital keys. Many users reported failing to pair their cars with the phone (1,2,3), even after passing the compatibility check and trying various troubleshooting steps. Google initially acknowledged the issue, stating on the official support page that the feature was “coming soon” to the Pixel 8 Pro.


But the lack of progress became the source of frustration for many who were already using this function before upgrading to the new phone. Luckily, Google seems to have finally addressed the issue that was preventing the Pixel 8 Pro from working with digital car keys, at least if the latest update on the official support age is anything to go by. Note that the screengrab above was captured last week while the one below represents the latest status on the same support page.


While Google may have finally updated the official page to confirm the addition of digital car keys to the Pixel 8 Pro, unfortunately, not everyone is celebrating. Several users are still unable to pair their cars despite having received the latest Google Play System update and Google Wallet app.

Sure, this might be a temporary hiccup. But it’s still frustrating for those eager to use the convenient feature. If you’re still facing this issue, I suggest you visit the Issue Tracker and upvote this thread to bring it to Google’s attention for a quick fix.

The good news is Google’s confirmation that the feature is finally available for the Pixel 8 Pro, offering a keyless and secure way to lock, unlock, and even start compatible cars using the phone. Hopefully, Google will quickly address the remaining pairing issues, allowing all users to enjoy the full functionality of their Pixel 8 Pro.

Hillary Keverenge
2119 Posts

Tech has been my playground for over a decade. While the Android journey began early, it truly took flight with the revolutionary Lollipop update. Since then, it's been a parade of Android devices (with a sprinkle of iOS), culminating in a mostly happy marriage with Google's smart home ecosystem. Expect insightful articles and explorations of the ever-evolving world of Android and Google products coupled with occasional rants on the Nest smart home ecosystem.

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