OxygenOS 11 (Android 11) has been around for the OnePlus 8 series for quite some time while OnePlus 8T offers the same out-of-the-box.

However, users have been reporting about several issues after upgrading their devices with OxygenOS 11 while the OEM is still trying to fix the same.

OnePlus 8T

Now, reports of new issues related to OxygenOS 11 navigation gestures have swarmed the OnePlus Community forums.

Multiple users have taken to the OnePlus Commuity stating that the navigation gestures stop responding at times after the OxygenOS 11 (Android 11) update.

Also, users have to lock their device and unlock it to get the navigation gestures to work again.

(Source 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8)

Users have specifically mentioned that they are unable to go to device home screen or swipe back and even switch between applications because of this issue.

Apart from this, a user has reported that there is a lag in the navigation bar animation and it gets stuck at times.

There are many such reports on the OnePlus Community forums but the OEM is yet to address these OxygenOS 11 issues on a larger scale.


Out of so many user reports, only one such report has been acknowledged by a OnePlus Community Staff Member.

The staff member has stated that the issue has been reported to the developers and they are currently working to fix it.

While the acknowledgement has been given to a specific user, concerns are needed to be addressed on a wider scale.

We have made a note of this and our developer team is currently working on this. We will keep you posted regarding the further updates. We appreciate your support and patience in this regard.


You can also check out this video to get a better understanding of the OxygenOS 11 navigation gestures issues.

That said, we will keep tracking this for further development and will provide more details once new information becomes available.

In the meantime, you can go through our OnePlus Android 11 (OxygenOS 11) update tracker to get the latest updates on the topic.

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Deveshwar Bhardwaj
901 Posts

I'm a techy who is particularly fond of Android smartphones. A writer who usually finds himself on the other side of the spectrum. An artist who likes to sing and play the guitar. Also a photographer when in the mood.

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