As each day passes, the overall sentiment toward Call of Duty MWIII is diminishing, and the recent surge of reports on the “shadowban loop” issue is exacerbating the situation. Activision’s silence on this matter is further fueling players’ frustration. Fortunately, a workaround is mentioned below.

Call of Duty MWIII shadowban loop plaguing the players

Since the release of the latest installment, MWIII has been under intense scrutiny. From a comically short offline campaign to escalating issues and problems with the game’s multiplayer and gear, the game’s reputation has suffered.

MWIII shadowban loop report

Previously, there were reports of tracking issues in camo challenges, followed by concerns raised about SBMM. Now, the new major problem is not entirely new. Call of Duty has always had a bad reputation for unfairly banning players, and the current situation has only exacerbated this issue.

Players are now reporting an increase in the “shadowban loop” issue. The “shadowban loop” in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III (MWIII) refers to a situation where players are repeatedly and unfairly banned, often due to false reports of cheating.

byu/cmiles777 inactivision

This can lead to a frustrating cycle of being banned multiple times. The causes of this issue are often related to false reports and the game’s anti-cheat system.

Many believe that, just like SBMM, the anti-cheat system is also broken or bugged because players are getting banned without using cheats or any other misconduct or third-party software, leading to widespread frustration.

How to fix the issue?

Unfortunately, there is still no word from the developers, despite the mounting reports on this matter. For months, players have been reporting that the issue is severe and needs to be addressed, but the developers have chosen to remain silent.

This lack of communication has only intensified the situation. However, while there is no official fix, some players have devised certain workarounds that could offer a temporary solution.

Until an official resolution is provided, here are a few workarounds:

  • Play on a console instead of a PC.
  • Play with a white-listed player.

On an extreme note, players can try:

  • Gain partnership/sponsorship with Activision because affiliated players are alleged ‘perma whitelisted’ unless they engage in serious misconduct (sometimes even that doesn’t cancel their whitelist status).

These are community-sourced workarounds, and the results may not always be as intended.

The last point is only applicable if you are skilled at expressing grievances about Call of Duty, and have a spare wig and black goggles at home. Having a large, young, and impressionable audience is also a must.

Note: We have more such stories in our dedicated gaming section, so be sure to follow them as well.

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Rituraj Halder
223 Posts

Rituraj is a Gaming Writer. With a deep passion for story-driven adventure RPGs, Rituraj has spent half his life crafting intriguing narratives inspired by them, making him a modern-day storyteller in his own right.

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