Almost every week, new reports emerge indicating that the weapon challenges are encountering tracking issues or other bugs. This time, the Jak Beholder rifle kit makes its debut on the long list of bugged weekly challenges of MWIII. Fortunately, the developers are aware of the issue and actively working on a fix.

MWIII Jak Beholder rifle kit weekly challenge woes

The JAK Beholder Rifle Kit is an attachment in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) that converts the Tyr revolver into a single-shot sniper rifle. It is obtained by completing a weekly challenge during Season 1 of MW3.

call of duty soldier MWIII December update

The JAK Beholder Rifle Kit offers the best increase in range, improves recoil control and damage range, and is compatible with the Tyr revolver. However, there is currently a bug preventing the JAK Beholder Rifle Kit from being equipped on the Tyr even after completing the weekly challenges.

There is not much information available about the reason or the nature of the issue, but considering the reports and previous complaints, it seems the challenge is most likely experiencing tracking issues.

Am I missing something? JAK Beholder completed but not unlocked.
byu/MemeabooDesu inModernWarfareIII

Previously, there have been reports claiming that other pieces of equipment and attachments, such as the Stormender priceless camo, RGL-80 forged camo, and XRK Stalker Sniper Rifle ‘no stock’ attachment, have been encountering the same issue where, regardless of the players’ progress, the challenge is not being tracked.

Frustrated with the constant issues and bugs, the community is understandably angered by the state of the game. MWIII has been under heat since its release due to various reasons, including the steep price tag, laughably short campaign length, and more. The constant influx of these bugs is only fueling the existing frustration to new heights.

Devs are on it atleast

With the increasing reports and escalating frustration on the internet, the developers have promptly stepped in to share some updates on the bug.

In an official statement, the developers shared that the team is aware of the issue and is actively working on providing an update in the near future to help fix the JAK Beholder Rifle Kit, at least.

MWIII Jak Beholder rifle kit ack

There has also been an official entry on the MWIII Trello board regarding the issue. According to the card, the issue is currently under investigation.

As of now, there is no official ETA or release date available for the issue.

Note: We have more such stories in our dedicated gaming section, so be sure to follow them as well.

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Rituraj Halder
223 Posts

Rituraj is a Gaming Writer. With a deep passion for story-driven adventure RPGs, Rituraj has spent half his life crafting intriguing narratives inspired by them, making him a modern-day storyteller in his own right.

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