EA’s Madden NFL 24 players report that the ‘head-to-head’ or H2H feature is currently bugged and experiencing issues in tracking the player’s progress. The support team has acknowledged the issue and is currently under investigation.

Madden NFL 24 Head to Head wins and loses not tracking

Madden NFL 24 offers various game modes, including Head-to-Head matches, which allow players to compete against each other in real time. This mode involves starting a Madden Season, where users can gain rewards based on how many games they win against other players online.

A regular season consists of eight games, with the goal being to win five of them. If users win five regular-season games, they advance to H2H Season playoffs.

Madden head to head report

Unfortunately, according to the reports, the head-to-head mode is currently broken, and it is not tracking the player’s progress. Despite winning multiple games on a streak, players aren’t being rewarded for their wins.

This issue has caused quite some frustration among players, who complain that because of this bug, they are unable to trace their progression in the season, thus being held back from participating in the playoffs.

Madden head to head report

According to the reports, the issue is not universal for all the players. Some players have reported that, while playing in squad mode, they could see their squad mates progress into the playoff while they were held back, as the game failed to register all of their wins universally.

Official acknowledgement

As the reports flooded in, the official support team soon got wind of the issue and responded to the queries with a detailed statement.

Madden head to head ack

According to the statement, the team is currently looking into the issue, and they have promised that they will post an update as soon as they figure the issue out.

Note: We have more such stories in our dedicated gaming section, so be sure to follow them as well.

Feature image source: ea.com

Rituraj Halder
223 Posts

Rituraj is a Gaming Writer. With a deep passion for story-driven adventure RPGs, Rituraj has spent half his life crafting intriguing narratives inspired by them, making him a modern-day storyteller in his own right.

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