Here’s the crux of the article in video form:

The iPhone 15 Pro has recently encountered an issue where the phone’s screen randomly turns black while charging, which affects a number of these newly released devices. Fortunately, there is a potential solution on the horizon.

The release of the iPhone 15 has garnered widespread criticism from users due to a growing list of concerns. These issues encompass overheating problems, screen burn-in, camera malfunctions, and more. Moreover, iPhone 15 Pro users are now encountering a fresh challenge, their screens go dark during the charging process.

Users have reported encountering the ‘black screen of death’ issue, where the screen goes black while the device is charging. Despite this, the device’s system remains operational, but the screen appears unresponsive and fails to turn back on.

iPhone 15 Pro screen goes black while charging

I’ve come across numerous discussions on various online platforms like Reddit, Apple forums, and MacRumors regarding a prevalent problem known as the “black screen of death” that many users are currently experiencing.

According to these reports, the issue is not a complete screen failure, but rather an occurrence where the screen inexplicably turns black, and this typically happens when the phone is being charged.

The phone remains responsive to touch inputs, Siri, and all physical buttons, but the screen remains dark. Users can still feel vibrations and hear sounds, but the screen stays frustratingly black. Even if you unplug the charger, the screen won’t light up again until you restart the iPhone.

This problem typically occurs when charging the iPhone 15 Pro, and it can happen with both wired and wireless chargers.

Potential causes

The issue could be triggered by a software bug or certain hardware faults. The most prevalent cause of this issue is physical damage to the screen. However, it’s essential to note that other factors can also trigger the black screen problem, such as malfunctioning apps, system glitches, or a failed iOS update.

One way to normally power off the phone is by simultaneously pressing the power button on the right side and the volume down button. This action usually triggers a screen displaying the ‘slide to power off’ option. However, when attempted during the occurrence of the ‘black screen of death’, this method fails to power off the device for some.

This indicates that the issue extends beyond just the display’s unresponsiveness, sd it affects the entire panel as a single unit. It’s reasonable to assume that there may be a software code or hardware behavior malfunction preventing the intended cessation of incoming charge, or the battery might not be accepting the charge as it should.

Even some users have mistakenly confused this black screen issue with screen burn-in problem that I mentioned above.

Click/tap to view image

Although, after going through the user reports, I’m inclined to believe that this is a software bug rather than a hardware issue. Why? Well, that’s because the issue tends to go away just as randomly as it pops up. Nevertheless, there are a couple of things to try out in case you’re troubled by this weird problem.

Potential workarounds

I came across a video on YouTube highlighting some potential solutions for the users who are facing this issue and want to get rid of it. Check them out below:

Restart Your iPhone

  • Press the volume up button once (press and release).
  • Next, press the volume down button once (press and release).
  • Then, press and hold the right main (power) button until the device reboots and the Apple logo (boot logo) appears on the screen.

Alternative way

  • Remove your phone case.
  • Flip your iPhone over and gently tap around the phone, including the camera sensors.
  • Apply slight pressure from the outer edges towards the center on both sides of the iPhone. This helps ensure that any internal connectors that may have come loose are properly seated.
  • Follow the steps discussed in Restart your iPhone to restart the device.

Here’s the video for reference:

Contact Apple Support

If the issue persists even after following the above steps, it’s advisable to reach out to Apple support for further assistance. They can provide additional guidance and solutions to resolve the problem effectively.

In the meantime, feel free to delve into our Apple section for the most recent stories and updates.

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