Here’s the crux of the article in video form:

Google is showing signs of steady growth in the smartphone market in the US according to recent market analysis. The Pixel phone maker has captured 4% of the market in Q3 2023, up from 2% last year. Google’s biggest competition, in terms of hardware and software, Apple sits with a massive lead at 55% market share. However, the Cupertino-based tech giant saw a 2% drop in market share compared to last year.

The report from Canalys highlights a 5% year-on-year shrinkage in the US smartphone market in Q3 2023, continuing its downward trend. Despite this overall decline, Google Pixel devices, along with Motorola, managed to grab a bigger chunk of the smartphone market share. Google’s closest competitor, Apple, witnessed an 8% decline in shipments, primarily attributed to the delayed release of the iPhone 15 compared to the previous model. In contrast, Samsung’s volume saw a slight recovery, driven by the success of its new foldable devices.


Motorola, in particular, achieved its best quarter since Q2 2022, capturing a 9% market share and achieving a remarkable 14% year-on-year shipment growth. TCL and Google Pixel devices each captured 4% market share, with Google shipping 1.2 million units. These figures indicate a growing acceptance and preference for Google Pixel devices among US consumers.

“The US smartphone market is stabilizing, but there is no expectation that Q4 will make a turnaround,” said Runar Bjørhovde, Analyst at Canalys. The overall industry faces challenges, including a prolonged slump impacting device promotions and subsidies. However, Google’s Pixel devices, along with Motorola, have managed to navigate these challenges successfully.

“The prevailing sluggishness of the US market could pave the way for a shake-up of established market dynamics,” added Bjørhovde. The strategic shifts from leading carriers, including a focus on postpaid offerings and reshaping prepaid business structures, could impact consumer purchase behavior. As carriers redirect their efforts, the US smartphone market is anticipated to stabilize, with Canalys foreseeing a mild recovery in 2024. You can check out Canalys’ report for more details.

Dwayne Cubbins
1081 Posts

My fascination with Android phones began the moment I got my hands on one. Since then, I've been on a journey to decode the ever-evolving tech landscape, fueled by a passion for both the "how" and the "why." Since 2018, I've been crafting content that empowers users and demystifies the tech world. From in-depth how-to guides that unlock your phone's potential to breaking news based on original research, I strive to make tech accessible and engaging.

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