Whether you’re a seasoned player or new to the world of online gaming, Fortnite offers an exhilarating and immersive experience.

Its compelling gameplay, vibrant aesthetics, and frequent updates have solidified its position as one of the most popular and influential video games.

The ability to choose a skin suitable for certain playstyles also helps enhance one’s gaming experience. However, things are far from rosy.


Fortnite ‘Ramirez skin’ glitch troubles players

According to reports (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10), some Fortnite players are experiencing an issue where multiple players appear as the Ramirez female skin. And notably, the problem is more prevalent on aging hardware.

‘Ramirez’ is a basic and default skin for female characters that doesn’t require a lot of resources to load. Gamers have observed instances where entire squads or half the lobby were filled with players using the same skin.

Some assert that when playing in multiplayer mode, their opponents would appear with normal skins on their friends screens, but unfortunately, this was not the case at their end.


They also speculate that this may be happening due to problems with their internet connectivity or the hardware limitations of their devices.

A gamer is of the view that the developers should have removed other resource-heavy elements like grass and shadows to significantly boost performance on older consoles.

They have also mentioned that those on PC play the game on minimal settings to get performance boosts.

Almost every skin l see is Ramirez, no matter how far in game, not just in the lobby. After a minute or so they sometimes switch to their custom skin. (PS4)

Another suspects that this has been done so that one could get rid of the cosmetic streaming problem that arose with the Clone Wars update. They also believe that Epic Games might be trying to keep the overall game size small.

Without a doubt, the affected ones are curious to find out why the majority of players appear with this generic skin.

Is this a hardware limitation of the Switch or does it sound more like my internet isn’t strong enough? I know all these people can’t be that same character. Also, sometimes when I’m playing online (with friends who are also on switch) they will refer to one of these players as a skin that I can’t see.

Those impacted are now requesting the developers to fix this glitch as soon as possible.

Possible explanation

It should be noted that this problem has been persisting for a long time, spanning several years. Apparently, Epic Games could be limiting cosmetic loading on previous gen consoles like the Nintendo Switch, PS4, and Xbox.

By limiting the overall load, they free up resources for other game aspects, such as maps, and in-game elements. And without a doubt, this helps in improving the overall performance and enhancing the gameplay.

Of course, we’ll keep an eye on the Fortnite ‘Ramirez skin’ glitch on some consoles and update this story with the latest developments.

Note: There are more such stories in our dedicated Gaming section. So make sure that you follow them as well.

Featured Image: Fortnite.

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Kanav Sood
740 Posts

I love technology and like to talk about the latest news in the Tech industry.

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