Players of the popular online smartphone game Clash of Clans are reportedly encountering significant trouble due to an ‘out of sync’ error. According to their reports, the game is displaying an error message stating that the client and the server have gone ‘out of sync.’

Typically, errors related to syncing issues stem from high online traffic or programming bugs. However, the cause of this error has not yet been determined. Many believe that this problem may have arisen due to the increased traffic resulting from recent events.

What is the reason behind the ‘out of sync’ error in Clash of Clans?

While some players believe the error is a result of high traffic, there hasn’t been any official statement regarding the cause of the error yet. Nevertheless, some fan speculations offer potential explanations.

Error in the code

According to certain player reports, the latest update introduced various additions and features, but within this new code, there may be lingering discrepancies that escaped the developers during quality checks. These discrepancies may be responsible for the error.

Update glitch

Another theory suggests that the new update, which removed some assets from the previous event, might have caused the game to glitch. This is why one player has recommended stashing assets from previous events as a potential solution.

clash of clans out of sync error report

Most reports indicate that the error primarily occurs when players attempt to attack enemy bases. Therefore, it is highly recommended not to initiate any attacks until this issue is resolved, as they may go to waste.

How to fix the error?

The error is causing considerable damage to players, particularly affecting high-ranked players and those competing in the Legend League. Wasting their valuable attacks due to the error severely hampers their progress on the leaderboard.

In response to the accumulating reports and the substantial harm inflicted on players, Clash of Clans developer SuperCell has issued an official acknowledgment. They have announced that their team has identified the issue and is currently working on a fix.

clash of clans out of sync error acknowledgement

They are aiming to release a fix for one of the issues before the Legend League day. In the meantime, players can utilize the following methods as workarounds:

  • Check your internet connection.
  • Ensure you are playing the latest version of the game.
  • Close any background apps.
  • Clear the cache.
  • Restart the device.

According to a player, stashing the Sour Elixir Cauldron could also potentially resolve the issue.

Note: We have more such stories in our dedicated gaming section, so be sure to follow them as well.

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Rituraj Halder
223 Posts

Rituraj is a Gaming Writer. With a deep passion for story-driven adventure RPGs, Rituraj has spent half his life crafting intriguing narratives inspired by them, making him a modern-day storyteller in his own right.

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