FIFA 23 players have reported a potential handicap mechanic has been in play as they are allegedly losing ‘momentum’ while dominating a match.

With reports piling up, it seems like the game has been implementing a fair play feature that levels the playing field between players with different skill levels.

FIFA 23 handicap bug

Was at a weekend league game, was winning 3-1 but suddenly at like 48th minute my players stopped running fast, they were missing every pass and they couldn’t score an open net. Shaapeshifter luis figo ST has 99 pace with hunter and he was getting outpaced by everyone and was taking like 2 seconds to pass the ball after I press the button. (Source)

It’s DDA. It happens all the time. You’re winning, comfortably but the game says nope, your opponent needs to have a chance. Works both ways btw. Just a shitty thing EA does to keep players. (Source)

In the progressing gaming industry, “fair play” mechanics aren’t anything new. Especially in the online multiplayer.

However, games like Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2 have also been criticized for their “Skill Based Match Making” or SBMM for short.

Interestingly, FIFA was also accused of being a ‘handicap mechanic’ in the past. But EA strictly dismissed all the claims.

Although this time fans are adamant that they witnessed a ‘handicap’ mechanic in their games, They have made many reports on Reddit (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) to shed some light on the issue.

According to the claims whenever they get the upparhand on a match, their team players loose speed and stats, feeling much ‘weaker’. Causing the user to loose momentum and even loose the match.

Does FIFA 23 truly handicap players? How to fix it?

Seeing the lack of official substance, some players are a little skeptical about the acquisitions.

A player suggested that it could be a bug occurring because of network lag. They said:

“It’s the opponent clicking on a new tactic like press after possession lost or the worst constant pressure, when this happens there is like a network glitch because the game has to register all the opponant players pressing and moving really fast over the pitch which leaves your players like a bunch of lost donkeys who forget how to pass, run, shoot, tackle.” (Source)

To counter the “drop in momentum,” another Reddit user suggested playing an “Ultra Defensive” tactic.

The alleged ‘handicap’ only occurs when a player gets the upper hand. That is why playing defensively and holding the lead could be the most viable method to fight this feature.

So far there hasn’t been any official statement from the developers regarding the issue.

We’ll keep track of the situation and post an update if and when there are any further developments on the matter.

Feature Image Source: Official FIFA website

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