Blizzard Team 3 recently launched v1.1.0a across all platforms, which adds various Unique items and Legendary aspects that help enhance the characters in the Eternal or Seasonal Realm.

Along with this, the patch fixes various glitches across Challenges, Cooperative Play, and Gameplay, as well as introduces certain balances.

For instance, the recent update addressed bugs where some Challenges could not be completed, didn’t provide the proper rewards, or could be progressed through unintended means.

Source (Click / tap to view)

In addition to this, the issues where the map for the Crusader’s Cathedral dungeon was incomplete and players didn’t receive enough animus to progress through the Hallowed Ossuary dungeon have been resolved as well.

However, it appears that the latest update has introduced some bugs.

Diablo 4 ‘Sorcerer Unique Wand (The Oculus)’ teleport bug

According to reports (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10), multiple Diablo 4 fans playing as sorcerers are experiencing issues while using the newly introduced ‘The Oculus’ wand.

This weapon allows one to teleport to random map locations, helping one escape from danger or reposition themselves for a better attack.

However, the Oculus isn’t functioning as intended. Players allege that they end up being teleported underground and are unable to get out or perform any action.

Source (Click / tap to view)

Additionally, gamers have also recounted incidents of falling through the ground or being teleported to undesirable locations.

Furthermore, trying to utilize a town teleport and then returning to the normal location still leaves them trapped in the same spot. And this is undeniably quite frustrating and annoying.

I know The Oculus says it will teleport to a random location, but I don’t think I’m supposed to end up UNDER the map…. @PezRadar @Diablo @RodFergusson

@Diablo I dont think the new sorc unique wand (the oculus) is working as intended, just teleported underground and cant do anything :/

Some have expressed their dissatisfaction as the bug has not been addressed through a hotfix yet.

Others speculate that the unique weapons may not have been initially planned for Season One, and their release might have been rushed without adequate testing, leading to the glitch.

Those impacted are now requesting the developers to fix this glitch as soon as possible so that they can utilize the weapon as intended.

Note: There are more such stories in our dedicated Gaming section, so make sure that you follow them as well.

Featured Image: Diablo 4.

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Kanav Sood
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I love technology and like to talk about the latest news in the Tech industry.

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