The newly launched all-in-one Call of Duty launcher, COD HQ, is reportedly causing massive frustration for players. According to multiple reports, the COD HQ update ‘uninstalled’ the MW2 Multiplayer Pack and introduced a plethora of new issues.

COD HQ update uninstalled MW2 multiplayer Pack

According to various reports, the update that introduced the COD HQ update has uninstalled the multiplayer pack for MW2. Affected players are complaining that they have to reinstall the pack alongside many other assets to play their game again.

The reports also claim that the update uninstalled the multiplayer to make room for MWIII content, even if the player didn’t purchase it or have ownership of it.

What is going on? The update installed MWIII multiplayer even though I don’t own it, and deleted my MWII multiplayer completely? I don’t think I’ve ever been actively discouraged by any studio from playing their game like this.
byu/DrHouseVicodinLover inModernWarfareII

But that’s not all; some players are also claiming that after the update, the graphics and visuals for the game have also taken a turn for the worse.

COD HQ Uninstalled MW2 Multiplayer

This new ‘development’ has actively upset many players and pushed them to the verge of quitting the game for good. So far, there haven’t been any updates or statements from Activision regarding the issue.

Post-Update Nvidia and DMZ Issues

Players are also claiming that following the update, they are having issues with the NVIDIA application, NVIDIA GFORCE EXPERIENCE. According to the report, the application no longer supports the games.

Due to this, players cannot access the visual filters from the application, as well as other optimization options that it offers.

COD HQ can't access NVIDIA

Reports are also claiming that, in addition to the MWII multiplayer pack, the update has removed the DMZ mode from the game. DMZ as a mode already had a very uncertain future. Although an official statement had promised the players that Activision would continue to support DMZ, its absence in CODNext had raised some concerns.

But this sudden removal of the mode after the update has made many fans speculate that the devs are just a little too eager to bid the mode farewell.

Note: We have more such stories in our dedicated gaming section, so be sure to follow them as well.

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Rituraj Halder
223 Posts

Rituraj is a Gaming Writer. With a deep passion for story-driven adventure RPGs, Rituraj has spent half his life crafting intriguing narratives inspired by them, making him a modern-day storyteller in his own right.

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