A group of Call of Duty: MWIII players are expressing frustration on the internet due to the appearance of the killcam in Hardcore mode. While many believe it was intentionally added to the mode, some think it is a bug or mistake. The developers have acknowledged the issue, and a fix is in the works.

Call of Duty MWIII killcam in hardcore mode

In Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, the “killcam” is a feature that shows a player’s death from the perspective of the killer. It is displayed in the view of first or third person, whichever is the last that the player was in before dying.

However, the feature has sparked heated discussion and overall dissatisfaction towards the developers due to its ‘unexpected’ appearance in the hardcore mode. Some have expressed frustration, stating that it ruins the hardcore experience and that they do not want to watch the killcams.

MWIII killcam report

Others feel that it goes against the nature of hardcore mode, where killcams were previously not available. The MWIII veteran community was already disheartened due to recent SBMM drama and other issues.

With this killcam issue, tempers are flaring even more. According to reports, players are more interested in having a final killcam than a killcam replay after every kill in hardcore mode.

MWIII killcam report

Currently, there is no in-game option for turning off the killcam. Fortunately, there is some good news.

Official Acknowledgement

With the increasing reports, the developers soon became aware of the issue. In an official statement made on social media, the support team has provided an update on the status of the issue.

MWIII killcam ack

According to the statement, the issue is currently under investigation and will be resolved in the upcoming update. They have also promised that in the upcoming update, Final killcam and Round-Ending killcams will play in the hardcore mode as ‘expected’.

Note: We have more such stories in our dedicated gaming section, so be sure to follow them as well.

Feature image source: callofduty.com

Rituraj Halder
223 Posts

Rituraj is a Gaming Writer. With a deep passion for story-driven adventure RPGs, Rituraj has spent half his life crafting intriguing narratives inspired by them, making him a modern-day storyteller in his own right.

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