Apex Legends is one of the hottest Battle Royale in today’s gaming scenario. Players enjoy the game and the legends but there’s something that pops up on the internet every day and we get to learn new ways to use the legends and their abilities in a unique way.

Mirage was one of the earliest legends which came out when the game launched. Mirage was locked and could only be unlocked with in-game Legend Tokens which can be earned by playing the game.

Apex Legends: Use Mirage the correct way!

Mirage is the Holographic Trickster of the game. His passive being able to cloak after he is knocked out. This comes in handy to hide or take cover from the kill thirsty players looking to eliminate the enemy as soon as you down them.

His tactical is the Decoy in which he sends out a similar-looking holographic image which tricks the enemy and also reveals the position of enemy players if they shoot the decoy.

His ultimate ability is Decoy Escape. Using his ultimate, Mirage is able to deploy multiple decoys while he cloaks and escapes. This ability was presented to be an escape strategy but players have abused this to play offensively rather than escaping in the first place!

Apex Legends: Use Mirage the correct way!

In the Apex Legends Reddit forum, one user who goes by the name of red_dollar has shown a very interesting way to use Mirage. He posted a video compilation of the same and proved why Mirage is so underrated. Take a look below –

People don’t seem to be a fan of Mirage’s ult, but I like it
byu/red_dollar inapexlegends

The player instead of escaping uses his ultimate in a cover where the multiple decoys cannot be spotted and cloak to get behind enemies and then shoot them from where they least expect him. After he posted the video, other users commented on the post appreciating the way he used Mirage to his full potential.

What do you think about Mirage? Do let us know in the comment section below!

Varun Malhan
103 Posts

Varun is a budding writer and an engineer hailing from New Delhi, India. He is an ardent follower of the fiction entertainment industry, gaming and loves to read and follow comics, anime, and box-office smashing superhero movies and TV series. Apart from writing, he invests most of the time gaming, coding, and singing. He loves people sharing their ideas and views with him, so do share your views and ideas in the comment section if you liked the article!

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