Google has introduced some changes to its Battery Share feature on the Pixel 9 series that will potentially cause a stir among users. The latest update means that Pixel 9, 9 Pro, and 9 Pro XL can no longer use Battery Share while simultaneously charging with a wire. Additionally, the Pixel 9 Pro Fold has been completely left out of the Battery Share party.
This is a significant departure from previous Pixel models, which allowed users to charge their accessories wirelessly while their phones were plugged in. This feature proved especially handy for keeping earbuds or other devices topped up without needing an extra outlet.
While Google hasn’t provided an official explanation for the change, it’s possible that the company encountered technical limitations or wanted to optimize battery performance. Regardless of the reason, the decision will likely disappoint some users who relied on this feature.
As per the updated support page, the Pixel 9 Pro Fold, unfortunately, misses out on Battery Share altogether. This is likely due to the unique design of the foldable phone, which may not have the necessary components or placement for reverse wireless charging. Google has already confirmed the phone won’t work with the Pixel Stand wireless charger due to the position of the wireless charging coil.
Despite these changes, Battery Share remains a useful feature for the Pixel 9 series. Users can still charge Qi-certified devices wirelessly by placing them on the back of their phones. However, they’ll need to choose between wired charging or Battery Share.
It’s worth noting that Battery Share is not available on all Pixel models. In addition to the Pixel 9 Pro Fold, the Pixel 6a, Pixel 7a, Pixel 8a, and the original Pixel Fold are also excluded from this feature.
Overall, the changes to Battery Share on the Pixel 9 series are a mixed bag. While the ability to use Battery Share with wired charging is no longer available, the feature still offers a convenient way to charge accessories. However, the exclusion of the Pixel 9 Pro Fold and the lack of an official explanation for the changes will surely leave some users feeling disappointed.