Google has confirmed that the Pixel Watch 3 will receive software updates, including new features, security patches, and operating system updates, for at least three years. According to Google’s support page (via 9to5Google), the Pixel Watch 3 is guaranteed updates until at least October 2027, matching the commitment made for the original Pixel Watch and the Pixel Watch 2, which are set to receive updates until October 2025 and October 2026, respectively.
This three-year update cycle means the Pixel Watch 3 will stay current with Wear OS versions, bug fixes, and feature drops during that period. Unlike Google’s Pixel phones, which are now promised up to seven years of updates, the Pixel Watch series remains capped at three years. Google doesn’t distinguish between operating system and security updates for the watch, bundling them together under a single guaranteed software support period.
With the Pixel Watch 3, users can expect the benefits of Wear OS 5, which is based on Android 14. This version brings a new app launcher, improved complications like weather and goal progress, and enhanced Health Services with detailed running metrics like ground contact time and stride length. There’s also a new media output switcher, allowing users to choose playback devices directly from the watch.
Google’s approach with three years of updates reflects its overall strategy for smartwatches, focusing on keeping devices functional and secure. While the three-year limit doesn’t match the extended support seen in Google’s smartphones, it’s still a decent lifespan for a wearable, especially in a market where technology is constantly evolving.
For those picking up the Pixel Watch 3, this means you’ll get a steady stream of improvements and new features throughout the device’s guaranteed support period. It’s a solid level of commitment from Google, ensuring that the watch remains relevant and capable for years to come. That said, how long would you want Google to support its Pixel Watches? Let us know in the comments section below.